on tsunamis and energy conservation
These days we received the unfortunate news that a tsunami has left nearly 20,000 dead in Southeast Asia. Once again, nature becomes a whip is there to remind us that our planet is a dynamic planet.
again turns to see the human drama of the disaster.
From here I will try to give some brief hints about natural phenomenon, that of the tsunamis.
Although treatment of the waves in a specific coastal area is complicated and involves the use of statistics, it is possible some simple mathematical formalization of the phenomenon of waves.
The waves can be treated as a wave, like all waves, can be characterized by a series of parameters: wavelength, which is the distance between two crests of the wave amplitude, which is the height of the wave, and wave speed.
There are certain mathematical expressions that allow us to estimate the speed of a wave if we know the amplitude and wavelength.
It can be shown that, in regard to the speed of a wave there are 2 cases:
- In the case of waves that meet the wavelength is much smaller than the depth of the water column (which is called short waves), as when a wave travels in deep water, the speed is given by the expression:
V = [(GXL) / 2pi] exp 1 / 2, where g is the value of the acceleration of gravity, l the wavelength and pi pi.
Our interest in this expression is that when the wave travels in deep water, its speed depends only on its wavelength.
- Where the waves where the wavelength is much greater than the depth of water (so-called long waves) and waves propagating in shallow water near shore, is satisfied that:
V = (gxh) exp ½, where "h" is the height of the wave.
As in the previous case, it is interesting to note that when a wave moves near the coast, its velocity only depends on the depth, so that the smaller the depth, the lower its speed.
NOTE: For the waves "intermediate" in that its wavelength is of the same order of magnitude as the depth, the expression of its velocity is more complicated and depends on the depth and the wavelength.
This and another idea, let us understand a phenomenon we've all seen: the surf.
That other idea is pervasive in science, the principle of conservation of energy: it says that any process in which no external forces act, the energy is conserved, not lost or created, it becomes ..
Well, a wave will have a certain energy, this energy will be of two types: the "kinetic energy", associated and dependent on his speed, and another called "potential energy" which depends on the height wave.
waves arise, usually due to the wind stress exerted on the water surface. Normally form at some distance from the beach.
At that time, the wave will have a certain kinetic energy, related to its velocity as the wave gets closer to the coastline, will Sience shrinking the depth of the water column have lower until it reaches a time when the wavelength is greater than the depth. At that time, if we remember what we said above, is satisfied that its speed will be decreased by less than the depth. This will mean that as the wave approaches the beach, will have less kinetic energy.
But we said that if no external forces act (and if we handle simplified wave can be assumed, although there is some friction because friction with the air surface water and bottom), the energy is to be retained.
If the kinetic energy decreases, the only possibility for that energy is conserved, is that kinetic energy is "lost" becomes potential energy. We say that the potential energy depends on the height. Therefore, if the potential energy is increasing, that means you are increasing the height of the wave.
is, when a wave is near the beach, as you proceed, following the principle of conservation of energy, will increase its height. This will cause the wave becomes unstable and reaches a time when their height is greater than the depth: at the time the wave "clash" with the bottom and break.
A tsunami, a wave or wave train produced a body of water when violently displaced by a force of great magnitude, as can be an undersea earthquake, a volcanic colpaso, a landslide or ( is espcula with) the fall of a meteorite.
not be confused with tidal waves tsunami or the called sea confused, generated by storms, high winds or hurricanes, because those are generated by horizontal movements of surface water caused by wind, rarely spread beyond 100 meters coast line and its energy decreases from the area where they occur. Tsunamis, by contrast, originate from sea by vertical movements, and retain their power from the beginning to the end
As we have seen, tsunamis are caused by any reason that causes the mass of ocean water moves vertically abruptly, causing that water is removed from its normal balance. At that point, the water will attempt to recover its equilibrium position and result in the wave or wave train of unique characteristics that call tsunami.
Today I heard on television that this process is analogous to a whip, and it really is a very good example, because the movement makes the water surface is very similar to a whip. Tsunamis are
to be waves with a wavelength of magnitude equal to the radius of the ocean where they are generated, hence, this wave lonitud will never be less than 100-200 km. His height, at the point where the open sea where it is generated, is only half a meter to a meter.
If we consider that the depth of the ocean has an average of about 5 km, this implies that the wavelength of the wave is much greater than the depth of the water column.
If we remember what we saw in the previous section, this is the characteristic of waves are called long waves. And in these waves, speed is proportional to the depth. For this reason, in water, tsunamis have enormous velocities of the order of 700-800 km / h. These high speeds, along with his small height offshore, are responsible for ensuring that ships are sailing at high distances from the coast not notice the wave. These two characteristics mean that these waves only affect the open sea.
The problem arises when tsunamis approach the coast. In this case the situation is similar to the phenomenon of breaking that described above.
Approaching the shelf and coastal environment, the depth will be lower. Consequently, the speed is reduced (remember that the speed tsunami depends on the depth), which determines the kinetic energy is reduced. As the principle of energy conservation "Mandates" that energy is conserved, kinetic energy is being lost is turning it into potential energy. The potential energy depends on the height, which implies that increasing the potential energy increases the height of the wave.
This increase in wave height near the coast, coupled with the fact that since the lower speed makes waves are approaching coast be-determined stacking a large mass of water rushed inland , sometimes leading to affect several miles away (taking advantage sometimes enter rivers and estuaries).
To this we must add two aggravating circumstances: in some coasts, particularly sheltered shores, resonance phenomena occur (the free movement of water itself is combined with the tsunami), which amplifies the wave and its destructive effects, and drag the tsunami due to the effects of erosion, rock fragments, remains of buildings demolished, ... that increase their negative effects. For
tsunamis in 1949 Inamura, proposed a level of destructiveness, analogous to the Richter scale earthquake or hurricane Saffir.
is amazing that with an idea, a principle as abstract and arbitrary as the principle of conservation of energy, science achieves explain a phenomenon as real and complicated as the tsunamis.
A beautiful demonstration of effectiveness of the mathematization of science. Serve as a good replica for those who say that the mathematization of science has been far from reality and the explanation of natural phenomena.
Monday, December 27, 2004
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Building A Frame For A Large Mirror
Blue Planet
Photo taken by astronaut Bill Anders' Apollo 8 "
I wanted the first photograph that hung on my blog (which I struggled to figure out how to) outside it. For several reasons. Because I love all the deeds and stories that happened during the space race. I'm excited because all that it represented the Apollo program . Because of all missions there, the ones I liked were the Apollo 8 and Apollo 17 . Because I'm a fan of the geosciences. Because I love this picture, and above all, because I love the Earth.
And also because this day marks the anniversary of something very special.
These days are fulfilled 36 years of a historical event. Met 36 years of Apollo 8 moon mission , the legendary mission took 3 men to bypasses for the first time our only natural satellite.
A date like today, 36 years ago, the 3 crew Apollo 8, Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders, were road the Moon. A December 21, 1968, were put in motion the engines of the Saturn V rocket , and he also tore the Apollo 8 mission . She forged then one of the greatest moments of the entire Apollo program, all the space race and, by extension, one of the most glorious moments in the history of mankind.
The main objective of the mission was to carry the ring to the moon, which was considered as a step to be able to make a landing. Much of the success of the entire Apollo program resided precisely in this mission. Actually, these 3 astronauts were the real pioneers. After a trip
70 hours, December 24 (nice date spot) entered lunar orbit and gave 10 returns to the moon. With this mission, NASA was able to verify that it was indeed possible to go to the moon, were able to see the mission with a spacecraft reentry from the Moon, and finally opened the door for a man were to land on the lunar surface.
Contrary to what might appear, the appearance of the moon that watched the 3 astronauts were amazed. It seemed extremely bleak and desolate, reaching their own words qualify as a desolate landscape tremendously. However, in its first lunar orbit was something that moved. When passed through the path orbit corresponding to the dark side were startled to discover that the moon disappeared and took on the appearance of a massive black hole. But when they began to enter the part corresponding to the visible face ran into a stunning spectacle and, so far, few have been able to see, could see an "out" of the Earth. As you begin to enter the visible, due to be orbiting, they could see as the globe began to take off in the distance something like a terrestrial dawn. And they saw our planet as remarkable for its intense blue color. Frank Bormann is when our planet qualifies as "Blue Planet", a phrase that surely we've all heard. Such was the admiration and sense of beauty that sparked this scenario in the 3 astronauts, who, contrary to schedule, Bill Anders took the camera from the mission and took a picture of our planet. In my opinion the most beautiful and moving picture that has ever made.
The achievement of these 3 men and the entire team of scientists and engineers who made this possible, is at the height of the rush by Magellan and Elcano when first circumnavigated the globe.
When talking about the moon landing, often speaks of the Apollo 11 , and forgets or ignores the other missions. No However, there were missions missions before and after. And they have all been linked with history.
Finally, a phrase I remember hearing Bill Anders said in an interview to mark the anniversary of the landing on the moon. Not exact words, but he said something like what he felt when he entered lunar orbit was a "feeling that we had traveled thousands of miles and come so far, for the most important thing that we contemplated outside our own planet, Earth" . Paradoxically, having to go so far to marvel at what we have so close. Could not have been better expressed.

Photo taken by astronaut Bill Anders' Apollo 8 "

I wanted the first photograph that hung on my blog (which I struggled to figure out how to) outside it. For several reasons. Because I love all the deeds and stories that happened during the space race. I'm excited because all that it represented the Apollo program . Because of all missions there, the ones I liked were the Apollo 8 and Apollo 17 . Because I'm a fan of the geosciences. Because I love this picture, and above all, because I love the Earth.
And also because this day marks the anniversary of something very special.
These days are fulfilled 36 years of a historical event. Met 36 years of Apollo 8 moon mission , the legendary mission took 3 men to bypasses for the first time our only natural satellite.
A date like today, 36 years ago, the 3 crew Apollo 8, Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders, were road the Moon. A December 21, 1968, were put in motion the engines of the Saturn V rocket , and he also tore the Apollo 8 mission . She forged then one of the greatest moments of the entire Apollo program, all the space race and, by extension, one of the most glorious moments in the history of mankind.
The main objective of the mission was to carry the ring to the moon, which was considered as a step to be able to make a landing. Much of the success of the entire Apollo program resided precisely in this mission. Actually, these 3 astronauts were the real pioneers. After a trip
70 hours, December 24 (nice date spot) entered lunar orbit and gave 10 returns to the moon. With this mission, NASA was able to verify that it was indeed possible to go to the moon, were able to see the mission with a spacecraft reentry from the Moon, and finally opened the door for a man were to land on the lunar surface.
Contrary to what might appear, the appearance of the moon that watched the 3 astronauts were amazed. It seemed extremely bleak and desolate, reaching their own words qualify as a desolate landscape tremendously. However, in its first lunar orbit was something that moved. When passed through the path orbit corresponding to the dark side were startled to discover that the moon disappeared and took on the appearance of a massive black hole. But when they began to enter the part corresponding to the visible face ran into a stunning spectacle and, so far, few have been able to see, could see an "out" of the Earth. As you begin to enter the visible, due to be orbiting, they could see as the globe began to take off in the distance something like a terrestrial dawn. And they saw our planet as remarkable for its intense blue color. Frank Bormann is when our planet qualifies as "Blue Planet", a phrase that surely we've all heard. Such was the admiration and sense of beauty that sparked this scenario in the 3 astronauts, who, contrary to schedule, Bill Anders took the camera from the mission and took a picture of our planet. In my opinion the most beautiful and moving picture that has ever made.
The achievement of these 3 men and the entire team of scientists and engineers who made this possible, is at the height of the rush by Magellan and Elcano when first circumnavigated the globe.
When talking about the moon landing, often speaks of the Apollo 11 , and forgets or ignores the other missions. No However, there were missions missions before and after. And they have all been linked with history.
Finally, a phrase I remember hearing Bill Anders said in an interview to mark the anniversary of the landing on the moon. Not exact words, but he said something like what he felt when he entered lunar orbit was a "feeling that we had traveled thousands of miles and come so far, for the most important thing that we contemplated outside our own planet, Earth" . Paradoxically, having to go so far to marvel at what we have so close. Could not have been better expressed.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
What Ever Happen To Javtalk
The fine art of baloney detection
George Cuvier (1769-1832) was one of the largest academic authorities of his time.
Coming from an aristocratic family, was attracted by natural history, and his work on anatomy of the shellfish caught the attention of one of the great naturalists of the time, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. By invitation, Cuvier became a professor in the Natural History Museum of Paris, and his talent and wisdom, made him prosper quickly, to the point of becoming one of the most respected scientific personalities and influential of the nineteenth century. At the time that Cuvier was an argument of authority to support an idea.
One of the greatest contributions to history Cuvier science was his principle of organic correlation, whereby the different parts and organs of the bodies have been linked as a whole, so that the structure of one depends on the rest. That is, the shape of an organ is related to the agency and other parties (I beg the reader to retain a time in mind this idea of \u200b\u200borganic correlation, it will serve to better understand the story that is relatively more advanced .) Based on this principle, he managed to rebuild many of the remains of organisms based foiled just a loose debris. This principle was summed up by himself with great pride to the phrase "Give me a bone and I will reconstruct the animal. " Reconstructions that made him a legendary figure.
also established a classification of animals into 4 main types: Vertebrates, Articulates, Mollusks and radiated.
Cuvier gave scientific character to the, already old idea of \u200b\u200bdisasters by introducing the concept of extinction. Cuvier interpreted the history of the Earth in a very particular: for him, the Earth throughout its history had gone through periods where intense processes occurred, which called Revolutions (omitted the use of the word disaster, they had strong supernatural connotations), which would have finished lifestyles of each stage and after each revolution, there would be a new creation of life, thus originating new forms. This is what has been termed catastrophic theory.
He opposed the idea of \u200b\u200bevolution, and held a public showdown with Saint-Hilaire in this regard. The ideas of both on the natural history were diverged over time.
Contrary to what is said many times, Cuvier did not give his catastrophic theory nor transcendent religious meaning.
Although his ideas about evolution have proved wrong, it certainly was a great scientist. Introduced the concept of extinction and revolution, which in some thus still in force in geology at the idea of \u200b\u200bevent stratigraphy. It is considered the father of paleontology as a science and comparative anatomy and, no doubt, was one of the great anatomists of the story. Biology extended to the study of fossil forms and emphasized the relationship between fossils and rocks that appear related. And although he opposed the concept of evolution, developed a set of ideas that constituted an important part of the idea of \u200b\u200bevolution, such as: the idea of \u200b\u200bmigration and dispersal of organisms, the idea that the function determines the shape of the body and the random nature of variation. After
This introduction to the figure of Cuvier, I tell a story circulating about him. It turns out that apparently, Cuvier was happening something that is usual in teachers: not look up the sympathy of his students (and certainly, as with almost all the teachers, probably this feeling of rejection was well deserved).
On one occasion, the students decided to take revenge on the hated teacher. For this planned a joke was that one of them in his bedroom colase the devil in disguise (with tail and horns, and all that), while the rest hidden in the dark, expect to laugh at the miserable eminence.
I am now asking whoever is reading this to ask a question. Put yourself in the shoes of a man of the early nineteenth century. Suppose you have a firm belief. They're in your room, sleeping soundly and suddenly depiertan abruptly, and highlights the dark silhouette of the devil, which is also making threatening movements and sounds, and is aimed at you saying, "I am Satan and I will eat. "Now ask yourself, what would your reaction to all this information?
I imagine that at least frightened.
However, the reaction of the ineffable Cuvier was very different, and far more commendable by noting the "demon" exclaimed "You can not eat me, you've got hooves and horns. The principle of organic correlation tells me you're herbivore. " The reaction of all students was to cheer on his teacher.
sagacity and cunning that showed Cuvier are, at least, commendable. Someone
revealed that critical spirit and that way of thinking, reveals that he is someone who not only exercise science, but has taken and conceived as a way of understanding the world.
Perhaps the story is pure legend, but it highlights something that every citizen interested in science should have: the ability to think critically and know doubt. Substitute the joke and the devil, a story UFO, the stains on the wall of a house, Marian apparitions, ... or even the science news that we often pose in the press (where we often sold with bombastic headlines scientific experiences that are both, or are made with minimal rigor.)
is very important in such cases know how to use the capacity to doubt. Learn to reason, and to distinguish an argument consisting of another inconsistent. And not only if you want to be a good career in science, but also if you want to be a difficult person to deceive (as was the Baron Cuvier).
In this story we can draw a valuable lesson that will help us if we are artists in the fine art of baloney detection.
George Cuvier (1769-1832) was one of the largest academic authorities of his time.
Coming from an aristocratic family, was attracted by natural history, and his work on anatomy of the shellfish caught the attention of one of the great naturalists of the time, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. By invitation, Cuvier became a professor in the Natural History Museum of Paris, and his talent and wisdom, made him prosper quickly, to the point of becoming one of the most respected scientific personalities and influential of the nineteenth century. At the time that Cuvier was an argument of authority to support an idea.
One of the greatest contributions to history Cuvier science was his principle of organic correlation, whereby the different parts and organs of the bodies have been linked as a whole, so that the structure of one depends on the rest. That is, the shape of an organ is related to the agency and other parties (I beg the reader to retain a time in mind this idea of \u200b\u200borganic correlation, it will serve to better understand the story that is relatively more advanced .) Based on this principle, he managed to rebuild many of the remains of organisms based foiled just a loose debris. This principle was summed up by himself with great pride to the phrase "Give me a bone and I will reconstruct the animal. " Reconstructions that made him a legendary figure.
also established a classification of animals into 4 main types: Vertebrates, Articulates, Mollusks and radiated.
Cuvier gave scientific character to the, already old idea of \u200b\u200bdisasters by introducing the concept of extinction. Cuvier interpreted the history of the Earth in a very particular: for him, the Earth throughout its history had gone through periods where intense processes occurred, which called Revolutions (omitted the use of the word disaster, they had strong supernatural connotations), which would have finished lifestyles of each stage and after each revolution, there would be a new creation of life, thus originating new forms. This is what has been termed catastrophic theory.
He opposed the idea of \u200b\u200bevolution, and held a public showdown with Saint-Hilaire in this regard. The ideas of both on the natural history were diverged over time.
Contrary to what is said many times, Cuvier did not give his catastrophic theory nor transcendent religious meaning.
Although his ideas about evolution have proved wrong, it certainly was a great scientist. Introduced the concept of extinction and revolution, which in some thus still in force in geology at the idea of \u200b\u200bevent stratigraphy. It is considered the father of paleontology as a science and comparative anatomy and, no doubt, was one of the great anatomists of the story. Biology extended to the study of fossil forms and emphasized the relationship between fossils and rocks that appear related. And although he opposed the concept of evolution, developed a set of ideas that constituted an important part of the idea of \u200b\u200bevolution, such as: the idea of \u200b\u200bmigration and dispersal of organisms, the idea that the function determines the shape of the body and the random nature of variation. After
This introduction to the figure of Cuvier, I tell a story circulating about him. It turns out that apparently, Cuvier was happening something that is usual in teachers: not look up the sympathy of his students (and certainly, as with almost all the teachers, probably this feeling of rejection was well deserved).
On one occasion, the students decided to take revenge on the hated teacher. For this planned a joke was that one of them in his bedroom colase the devil in disguise (with tail and horns, and all that), while the rest hidden in the dark, expect to laugh at the miserable eminence.
I am now asking whoever is reading this to ask a question. Put yourself in the shoes of a man of the early nineteenth century. Suppose you have a firm belief. They're in your room, sleeping soundly and suddenly depiertan abruptly, and highlights the dark silhouette of the devil, which is also making threatening movements and sounds, and is aimed at you saying, "I am Satan and I will eat. "Now ask yourself, what would your reaction to all this information?
I imagine that at least frightened.
However, the reaction of the ineffable Cuvier was very different, and far more commendable by noting the "demon" exclaimed "You can not eat me, you've got hooves and horns. The principle of organic correlation tells me you're herbivore. " The reaction of all students was to cheer on his teacher.
sagacity and cunning that showed Cuvier are, at least, commendable. Someone
revealed that critical spirit and that way of thinking, reveals that he is someone who not only exercise science, but has taken and conceived as a way of understanding the world.
Perhaps the story is pure legend, but it highlights something that every citizen interested in science should have: the ability to think critically and know doubt. Substitute the joke and the devil, a story UFO, the stains on the wall of a house, Marian apparitions, ... or even the science news that we often pose in the press (where we often sold with bombastic headlines scientific experiences that are both, or are made with minimal rigor.)
is very important in such cases know how to use the capacity to doubt. Learn to reason, and to distinguish an argument consisting of another inconsistent. And not only if you want to be a good career in science, but also if you want to be a difficult person to deceive (as was the Baron Cuvier).
In this story we can draw a valuable lesson that will help us if we are artists in the fine art of baloney detection.
Friday, December 10, 2004
Pokemon Soul Silver English Rom Update
What is a man?
What is a man?
An easy question, but difficult to answer. Someone with knowledge of biology may I say something like "a man is the male individual of a species of primates, called Homo sapiens characterized by ...." A philosopher might answer me something like "a man is a free, thinking, reflecting on his own existence and the world." Someone with strong religious convictions would not hesitate to answer "the man is the pinnacle of God's creation." A physicist would say that "a man a highly complex thermodynamic system in a state far from equilibrium such that self-organize to acquire a complex configuration changes at each moment. "
However, the question raised in the trap. Pretended not to do anything beyond a joke. The joke is that after you break your head to partners looking for an answer, saying with calm air and a sardonic laugh, "a man is the instrument of a sperm to produce more sperm." (The joke could have been done with "What is a woman but as it would have sounded ?...", macho men opted for the option. As to prevent unnecessary problems.)
However, the course is extremely bleak joke. Any of the above (that of the philosopher, biologist, of the physical or the religious), perhaps would have been less descriptive, but more positive feelings had passed. For them there is room for confidence in human freedom in free will, that every person has life goals beyond the mere reproduction, .... Instead, say that a man is but a tool of a sperm, an instrument of some genes (apparently selfish), it becomes equivalent to saying that the goal that drives the lives of all is to reproduce. Than 80 years (to get lucky) life, suffering, stress, work, study, ... come down to a successful copulation. A being that only a head and a long flagellum is who controls us. And the sad thing is that it may be so. At least I did not trust anything important.
And all this thinking cheap, poor and nonsense is a story that a friend of mine posed the question "What is a chicken?" And his response was "the instrument of an egg to create another egg." The truth that as a joke is funny, and as a phrase, is clever, but it really is a definition that turns the tables (never better, talking about eggs) in principle, would be more logical to say that the egg is the tool for a hen to produce another chicken. But really, it is possible that the thing is the opposite of how we think, because what are the genes that survive, not chickens. Anyway, this is like arguing that the sex of the angels (by the way, what is an angel? The instrument of ... what?). Speaking of chickens, it seems these days has come the news that they have decoded the genome of chicken. And a English team (is what I find most curious of the story, taking into account the state of English science.) After this stupid joke
seudofilosófica firing me. But not before another riddle what is the closest animal to man?
No, not the chimpanzee. Is the woman.
What is a man?
An easy question, but difficult to answer. Someone with knowledge of biology may I say something like "a man is the male individual of a species of primates, called Homo sapiens characterized by ...." A philosopher might answer me something like "a man is a free, thinking, reflecting on his own existence and the world." Someone with strong religious convictions would not hesitate to answer "the man is the pinnacle of God's creation." A physicist would say that "a man a highly complex thermodynamic system in a state far from equilibrium such that self-organize to acquire a complex configuration changes at each moment. "
However, the question raised in the trap. Pretended not to do anything beyond a joke. The joke is that after you break your head to partners looking for an answer, saying with calm air and a sardonic laugh, "a man is the instrument of a sperm to produce more sperm." (The joke could have been done with "What is a woman but as it would have sounded ?...", macho men opted for the option. As to prevent unnecessary problems.)
However, the course is extremely bleak joke. Any of the above (that of the philosopher, biologist, of the physical or the religious), perhaps would have been less descriptive, but more positive feelings had passed. For them there is room for confidence in human freedom in free will, that every person has life goals beyond the mere reproduction, .... Instead, say that a man is but a tool of a sperm, an instrument of some genes (apparently selfish), it becomes equivalent to saying that the goal that drives the lives of all is to reproduce. Than 80 years (to get lucky) life, suffering, stress, work, study, ... come down to a successful copulation. A being that only a head and a long flagellum is who controls us. And the sad thing is that it may be so. At least I did not trust anything important.
And all this thinking cheap, poor and nonsense is a story that a friend of mine posed the question "What is a chicken?" And his response was "the instrument of an egg to create another egg." The truth that as a joke is funny, and as a phrase, is clever, but it really is a definition that turns the tables (never better, talking about eggs) in principle, would be more logical to say that the egg is the tool for a hen to produce another chicken. But really, it is possible that the thing is the opposite of how we think, because what are the genes that survive, not chickens. Anyway, this is like arguing that the sex of the angels (by the way, what is an angel? The instrument of ... what?). Speaking of chickens, it seems these days has come the news that they have decoded the genome of chicken. And a English team (is what I find most curious of the story, taking into account the state of English science.) After this stupid joke
seudofilosófica firing me. But not before another riddle what is the closest animal to man?
No, not the chimpanzee. Is the woman.
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