survey map dowsing.
Hello dear readers!
With this post begins Bioespacios the year 2009. To you special greetings and wishes it to be a prosperous year for all and full of entertaining news.
To start I decided to share with you information that I'm very excited, because I see that its dissemination and application is a powerful tool to ensure healthy spaces and positive energy. This is the Dowsing , a technique and knowledge accumulated by mankind, which has proven to be truly useful in the creation of habitat quality.
Dowsing The term is a neologism of Latin radium, 'radiation' and the Greek aesthesia 'sense perception' or ' ability to feel '(of aisthesis' perception').
The Dowsing is a technique through which electromagnetic fields detected , humans, plants, objects and places.
The Dowsing is a technique through which electromagnetic fields detected , humans, plants, objects and places.
is the art of energy exploration using instruments such as the pendulum, rods or forks . Has been used since the dawn of man and was refined for centuries by cultures of China, Indian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, to the Middle Ages, when it was outlawed as witchcraft.
. Today
gains new importance and there are many organizations in the world dedicated to grow this useful and ancient art.
gains new importance and there are many organizations in the world dedicated to grow this useful and ancient art.
Dowsing and Architecture:
know the energy performance of a place can make the right decisions Design: precincts regarding location, directions or other.
1. allows us to diagnose: detect the power quality or places, identifying areas where energy comes either diminished, stuck, locked, closed, neutral, negative, or positive and
2. allows us to take action and measures to improve these undesirable states energy, raising, through design, the energetic tone of the places, or adapt the design, and therefore our way of life, a certain presence energy in the place.
Consider the importance of this because, all energy in one place finishes in the medium and long term, radiating to people and therefore affected positively or negatively.

Man with a stick looking groundwater.
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Friends, in any case the issue ends here. Delve into him during these months, so you get to know him, understand his rationale, benefits and why Bioespacios therefore decided to integrate it as one more element to consider in the design and take charge of this reality that few designers support and the architecture is energy manipulation. We want to stress its real significance in the field of architecture and all the benefits you can get considering the energy situation of your spaces.
hope the topic you for your interest and visit us soon.
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