Vitoria-Gasteiz is a city located in northeastern Spain and is part of the Basque Country. A little less than 15 years the authorities began to design a "green belt" around it, in order to restore and enhance the green areas peripheral to the city. Here, as in almost every city, were undergoing a process of gradual degradation.
In turn, this physical border was intended to draw a line the expansive growth of the development projects of the era, including the creation of new industrial parks, residential neighborhoods and new roads on rural and agricultural land, located on the outskirts of the city's traditional radio.
Image from the website www.vitoria-gasteiz.org
The green belt project includes a series of measures, ranging from the recovery of areas were once wetlands, their renaturation, the re-channeling of rainwater were flooding in urban areas, the introduction of animals such as deer, creating gardens for people of the 3rd age, guided walks, bicycle paths, among others.
to know more about this wonderful initiative that has succeeded on 20 October last Vitoria has been recognized by the European Community as "European Green Capital."
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