Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can You Treat Kyphosis

Animals Geography for Dummies

In our field work, biologists routinely use geo-positioning systems (GPS) to locate. Furthermore, to understand the distribution of species, a central point of our work, we need to know some elementary notions of geography, as knowing place latitude-longitude coordinates on a map. I thought having some of those little things clear but recent events in Colombia, I have suggested that maybe not ...

anyone can explain me the logic of what they say the former senator Piedad Cordoba and his partner, Felipe Zuleta, in this interview from 3:05 onwards?

Córdoba: "The coordinates had a hairline that masters interpreted as it was a stingray and not a minus, and then we went and we aim by the script for another site. "

Zuleta:" That makes a total difference.

far as I understand it, the coordinates of any place on Earth are a combination of latitude and longitude. In Colombia, necessarily, all longitude coordinates have a hairline, a hyphen, a minus sign, which means that we are west of Greenwich. So on that side should not be confusion unless they have been to make the rescue in the middle of the Indian Ocean between Africa and Southeast Asia. And on the other antics, the hairline, the script refers to the latitude. When there are no hairline, is north, north of Ecuador (parallel, not the country). And when there's hairline, it is south latitude, south of Ecuador. They understand that first went to look for the hostages to a place without hairline (north of Ecuador, in the Northern Hemisphere) and did not find them. Then they understood that it was with hairline and went to the same latitude but in the Southern Hemisphere. This is where the story gets very strange, because supposedly where they eventually arrived (again shifted back to adding coordinates hairline) was somewhere in the Cordillera Central mountains of Colombia. The problem is that in Colombia, the Andean region is north of Ecuador, in the Northern Hemisphere. Latitude has no hairline ...

What then picked up the hostages in Ecuador (the country) or somewhere in the Colombian Amazon (southeastern Putumayo or Amazon)? None of these options block with details of the operation revealed the press.

I do not know what the truth of this story and hopefully not true what some say, but the story of Cordova, who ate Zuleta, it seems pretty weak.

Or maybe I got it all wrong and my notions of geography are serious. I say this because I do not understand this one bit: "Why do not you put a few inches or something to that to see if it provides ?"...


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