Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Dont Have Product Number For Quickbooks

I guess we've all seen the television pictures of the Madrid skyscraper fire, the Hotel Windsor. "
Fortunately, there were no human casualties. For this reason, I dare to open a topic in a tone of joke about this desatre, economic (less bad than just that.)
And when we saw the television news about this incident I could not help laughing more than one occasion to the platitudes that were said.
As an initial example. In one of the news that he commented that experts said it was better that the "building falls on itself." I do not need to be skilled: not going to be better than to collapse on the surrounding buildings, releasing quantities of debris and destroying nearby buildings.
But more strange was that we saw in an interview that a journalist was a professor of structures, which asked him something like (not all words of text): "How is it possible that an office building blaze , whether in an office building there that could flammable burning? "To which the professor replied saying that there is much office paper that burns but fine. It was worth seeing the face of the journalist realize the gambazo he had made with the question.
Also, in one of these talk shows (yes, these where he meets a group of people who believed themselves humanists renaissanee, think they have the right to speak freely about everything), one of the cronies said, "It's clear that systems Fire prevention has not worked properly ... "Yeah, do not argue. Is evident. Especially in view of the many images that had been broadcast all weekend week where you could see the burning building, and the building without a façade ... Mind you, if you do not get to say, I had always thought it had worked.
In other news, a correspondent said: "It seems that the building will be demolished from top to bottom." I think it's obvious are not going to demolish from the bottom to fall on them.
the end and leave most of all I could hear platitudes regarding this issue. Finally, I will play a departure from the mouth of the mayor of Madrid. In a press conference I heard him say: "The demolition is irreversible." I think by definition of demolition in our universe, all demolitions are irreversible. I do not know if Mr Gallardón aware of other universes where the second antiley reigns of thermodynamics, and entropy decrease rather than increase. Or perhaps he thought that as the fire seemed a hell, like Maxwell's demon would run making mischief. But I think I should have said is "The demolition is inevitable," but irreversible.
Well if I said I left for the end is, obviously meant that she had the post.


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