Friday, February 4, 2005

Menaupausal Discharge

Starting from scratch: the spider touches ...

everyone. Many days have passed since my last post. In particular about a month, but I've gone busy. If this blog was a frequent visitor, I think I lost. So this is like starting over.
The other day I had a long conversation with a good friend of mine, who loves science and engineering, and above all, eat the head, and I consider a puzzle that really caught my attention. Therefore, we emplazco to share with me this curiosity.

The thing is as follows. Imagine a spider (in case there are any discerning biologist, will give a sort to be satisfied: Tegenaria domestica, or whatever it is, the house spider, for instance). The spider in question is in a room that is shaped like a perfect cube. And is located in the center of the wall (if there is any love of decoration, for less than a biologist, I shall content: the room is unfurnished, and is papered white, the floor, a tiled white also). Now the spider just wants to go downtown on the opposite wall, and wants to do by the shortest route. For some strange reason, the spider does not want to jump, or do funny things. Which way has to follow? However, it has to lose in a straight line, keep walking in a straight line on the floor, and up the opposite wall to the center. Put finest: the spider will move at any time in a plane perpendicular to the vertical line passing through its position. ! Wing, Fried phrase that has been!
far easier. Now the second part. Now the spider, rather than in the previous position, the distance "d" above the center. And instead of wanting to go downtown on the opposite wall, to go to a point on another wall is a distance "d" below the center of the front wall. What path has to follow? The most logical (at least, what I said, but if my system is not processing information-lease brain, is that today I am a bit petulant, works very logic) is a way analogous to anteriot. No, the answer I gave my friend (from here I send a greeting) is as follows: the spider goes in a straight line, walking through the roof, low the ground, walks on the ground and reaches the wall. Or something. Because my friend immediately to the question ametrello most puzzling question: how can mathematically deduce the shortest path?
As answer the question escapes my chances, I propose the eventual challenge to any reader of this post, that if the time to spare and like that of mathematics, try to solve it.

When I raised the puzzle to my little sister (the puzzle itself, not part of the mathematical proof, of course) gave me the most intelligent response you can do: there is no spider think. The time of writing I had saved have thought like her.
A greeting.


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