Thursday, June 3, 2010

Denise Milani Before Surgery

Breathing and Crocopatos

The Department of Biological Sciences, University of the Andes in Bogota, Colombia, seeks candidates for a teaching assistant / associate in population genetics. The successful candidate will be linked to the Institute of Genetics and Phylogeography. Candidates must possess a doctoral degree, preferably with postdoctoral experience, and have a broad scientific production. We are especially interested in candidates with expertise in molecular genetics of populations, coalescence theory, genomics or computational biology. The successful candidate will teach an undergraduate course in genetics, along with graduate courses in their area of \u200b\u200bexpertise and supervision of undergraduate, master's and doctorate in the Department of Biological Sciences.

The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of the Andes offers one of the best programs in Biology and Microbiology, Latin America and 26 teachers working there full-time researchers. It has multiple research programs recognized internationally as genetics of speciation, microbial genomics, phylogeography, bioinformatics, evolutionary ecology, human genetics and molecular systematics. The Institute has a molecular genetics laboratory and the Department has a central sequencing unit. The Department has a young, dynamic and vibrant growth fast. Last year they hired five new researchers.

Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae, a description of its research and a brief statement of teaching philosophy and experience (preferably in a single PDF document) to the following email:
The deadline for submission of papers is July 31, 2010. Selected candidates are requested letters of recommendation and copies of recent publications. For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact:

Andrew J. Crawford

Institute Population Genetics and Phylogeography
Department of Biological Sciences, Universidad de los Andes

Tel +57 1 339-4949 x2751

Email: aj.crawford244 @ Web

Recruitment Committee professorial

Department of Biological Sciences
Universidad de Los Andes


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