I, however, believe that ethics is much more than what he wanted to involve the Minister and I want to invite those who read this blog who know the story that Gary Stiles and I, editors Colombian Ornithological , we have described in the editorial the new issue of the journal, published this week by the Colombian Association of Ornithology. The other side history will find in an editorial in the journal of the Foundation ProAves that came out last month. You judge.
Everything has been published on the new species and worth reading for its scientific interest will find in the article Diego Caranton and Katherine Certuche Ornithology published in Colombia. They probably will not be invited to a gala event at the residence of the Ambassador of Colombia in Washington to celebrate their discovery and documentation of this spectacular new species. However, I suspect many of us believe that they committed a great injustice and that the community Colombian bird will always remember this episode and the actions of those involved. Hopefully something not ever happen again. Congratulations to Diego and Katherine for their discovery.
write this from a hotel of road in the mountains of Oregon way to the conference Evolution 2010. Promises to be very good and choose which do not be easy: there will be 12 simultaneous chat sessions for four days and are about 1800 people. I hope to write about the event here soon.
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