Friday, November 20, 2009

Will V2 Support Help With Prolapsed Bladder?

Durutti column does the? The nomad Bowles

In tribute to Buenaventura, who died 73 years ago, a moment of Durutti Column, one of my favorite bands. In all honesty, I must say that when I met the group still did not know where he came from. I remember when my father asked me if they were anarchists (that did know what it was, man, thanks to punk, of course) I said no, they were not punks, which could not be ... was typical nonchalance benefit of 14 years. He looked at me intently, as he often did throughout his life, every time I did not know something he seemed essential, in a gesture of surprise, affection, smile and phony outrage and asked, "Do not know Buenaventura Durrutti who was? " from that day I knew.
Durutti Column and Tuxedomoon were two of the favorite bands of my father. Several years later, around 88, Vini Reilly interviewed in Madrid. When I granted the interview, I called my father and excited Vini signed me I looked hard for him when my father died and I found, may be in a secret box that has never appeared. It was an important day for me, this interview. I loved that group was the first major news events of my life and there well knew that would be my partner for the next four years. In that conversation with Reilly remember who told me that only ate ham sandwiches, cheese and egg and chips. So is memory.
Well, well, thanks to them I knew well what was that of anarchism.


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