Friday, December 10, 2010
Making A Puppet Theatre

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Nora Ross Garlic Shampoo

BIOESPACIOS is refined as space reflection and action . This time we wanted to reflect on this blog breadth of vision that we needed to address issues of urban sustainability.
Links of interest have been arranged in the following categories:
global institutions.
Through the pages you can reach a lot of interesting information, documents, concepts, current, interesting .. To cite some examples, the UNESCO page contains beautiful movies about the underwater world. The page Urban Observatory, provides interesting information, like a long list of urban indicators of Chilean cities. Our intention is
base is continually enrich data with new links and categories.
Of course, you can access them by scrolling down through the right column blog. No doubt only a small sample of all sites that address the issues involved, but we understand that our mission is only to provide a window, open the reader's curiosity .
hope this new structure is attractive and useful.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Pattycake Online Mega

Image from the website www.vitoria-gasteiz.org
The green belt project includes a series of measures, ranging from the recovery of areas were once wetlands, their renaturation, the re-channeling of rainwater were flooding in urban areas, the introduction of animals such as deer, creating gardens for people of the 3rd age, guided walks, bicycle paths, among others.
to know more about this wonderful initiative that has succeeded on 20 October last Vitoria has been recognized by the European Community as "European Green Capital."
Click here and enter the page of the Green Belt.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Target Store Inova Lights

Francisca Jimenez, who is leading the BIOESPACIOS, has benefited from the Government of Chile, through CONICYT (National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research) and its system Scholarship grants Chile-call 2010 , for a Masters abroad.
Thus, from October 2010 until July 2011, the professional will reside in the city of Madrid, Spain to attend the Master " Efficient building and energy and environmental rehabilitation " , issued by the Senior Center Building , an institution under the UEM .
To date, this transfer has already taken place. From there he writes:
"(..) Today, a few days of arriving, I can say that this change of context brings many new . The most obvious is the time to delve into topics of interest , open new doors or ways of looking at the architecture, the phenomenon-and need-for the rehabilitation of cities and neighborhoods, there is the experience of achieving new learning , perhaps find answers to old questions ..
On the other hand, is in everyday life, the almost inevitable confrontation with what is happening here (Spain, Madrid, Europe) and what happens in Chile on buildings, cities, people, public space. There is much to share and discuss ..

hope, especially through the graphical information, to convey the emotion and feelings that are on here, seeing so many different realities sometimes and others, so strangely familiar (.. ) "
* Pictured: Madrid and the old town.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Top Ten Scores For Idrag Paper
Karen worked for years in a rural housing project for the communities of Laja and Contulmo (managed by the Foundation for Overcoming Poverty and where Francisca Jimenez was regional coordinator).
This project was pioneer in proposing a series of innovations that make homes more appropriate the context in which they were located in rural accent. One such innovation was to propose thatch constructions.
Click here to listen to the interview .
The photos are a piece of an old building in thatch that was exposed after the demolition Lastarria , Stgo. Photo Francisca Jiménez, September 2010.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Feel Like A Gay Man In A Womens Body

So he created his own page, also called BIOESPACIOS (click here) , and that is the main window of the company in FACEBOOK.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Tribadism In Clothing

several days ago was completed Evolution 2010, Congress set three major scientific societies: Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of Systematic Biologists, American Society of Naturalists . Although many years had wanted to, this was the first time I participated in this conference and was well worth it, definitely I think I will attend.
Congress, as anticipated, was huge and it was very easy to make contacts and meet people. It was rather the opportunity to see a lot of talk (and well, lost 11 per each one could see!) And learn enough. They say that the congress a year ago was the dominant theme of using niche modeling applications to evolutionary questions, this year, definitely the hottest topic was the application of new techniques for sequencing and genomic approaches (or transcriptomics ) to address all sorts of evolutionary questions. A few months ago I wrote here that, at one time, much of what that has been done with data based on sequences of one or a few genes to address evolutionary questions seem to be outdated and that time will be fulfilled quickly. So, I returned with many ideas and willingness to learn to go a bit starting to reinvent what we do.
conference There very good and varied, from non-master (but part of symposia) enjoyed the most were the Amy Angert (with my John Paul and friends as co Seema Sheth) on phenotypic divergence in the margins of the geographic distributions plants of the genus Mimulus and the Renée Duckworth about everything one could it Happen in relation to the evolution of strategies of colonization in a bird species . Both presentations showed a huge amount of data generated to answer several key questions in evolutionary ecology, very impressive.
The plenary lectures were given by the presidents of each of the societies. First, Jonathan Losos , president of ASN, discussed the use and abuse of phylogenies in comparative biology, emphasizing how many phylogenetic approaches can be useless and sometimes counterproductive to try to resolve evolutionary questions. In particular, criticized the use of molecular phylogenies to reconstruct ancestral character states (which he did many times in the past) and to estimate speciation and extinction rates without data from the fossil record, insisted on the importance of not assuming that the species closely related are ecologically similar and made a lot of emphasis on the fact that the phylogeny is only a pattern, calling for the abolition phylogenetic restriction of the term (ie phylogenetic constraint). Actually, apart from that everything he said seemed wise, it seemed a bit superficial and the message was obvious: to use phylogeny in evolutionary studies, we must use it - perhaps the talk would have been more innovative and effective at a conference ecology. The next day spoke John Huelsenbeck, president of SSB. The truth did not understand many details about their exposure from the use of models in phylogenetics, but I found it interesting his argument that from a viewpoint of model selection, the parsimony method is perhaps the least parsimonious of which exist to reconstruct phylogenies, as opposed to models of molecular evolution, parsimony has a huge amount of parameters. Finally spoke Allen Orr, president of SSE. Orr suggested that the study of the origin of new species appears to be no radically new ideas generated in recent years in contrast to what happened decades ago, and went further to suggest that an important difference between physics and evolutionary biology is that the first is advanced generating new radical ideas that are quickly refuted and replaced by other ideas in evolutionary biology the status quo seems to prevail. Orr also dared to propose the hypothesis that in cases where isolation mechanisms between species operate before intercourse, it is likely that the dominant force in speciation is natural selection, but in cases where incompatibilities between species are post-mating, processes such as meiotic drive would be responsible for the origin of reproductive isolation.
Besides the above, what impressed me most of the congress was the large participation of Colombian evolutionary biologists. Although the creation of the network ColEvol few years ago and the two events that the network has organized through the work of Margarita Ramos and Cristina Lopez, among others, demonstrated some time ago that evolutionary biology is in a Colombian fairly high level and getting better, what I saw at the conference struck me very positively. First, the amount of Colombian participants was very large and certainly much greater than any other Latin American country. Furthermore, the quality of the presentations and diversity of topics discussed for researchers based in Colombia and abroad was outstanding. I think a few years ago, nobody would have imagined that a meeting like this would Colombian presenting on topics as diverse as coral systematic, diet and toxicity of poison frogs, the evolution of individual variation in communication strategies, phenotypic evolution in a family of birds, ecological speciation in a gradient of elevation , origin and evolution of an invasive variety of rice, bird comparative phylogeography based on coalescent models, reconstruction of tree species based on sequences of multiple loci, experimental demography of herbivorous insects to receive new diets, chromosomal inversions coalescent models, developments hybrid incompatibilities Drosophila, the evolution of color patterns in frogs, evolution of sociality and hipercarnivoría in dogs, barriers to gene flow between species of sunflowers, the expression of candidate genes involved with color in butterflies, evolution and geographic variation in chemical signals in bees, genetic evidence of speciation by hybridization in butterflies, the effect of diversification rates on the spatial pattern of South American bird diversity, development restrictions and their effect on the evolution of allometry in moth history evolution life and fish body shape, adaptation acoustic frogs, genetic diversity in sexual and asexual populations of snails, and probably a few more that I pass (receipt additions). No, but it seems so good!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Learn To Be A Wakeboard Instructor

I, however, believe that ethics is much more than what he wanted to involve the Minister and I want to invite those who read this blog who know the story that Gary Stiles and I, editors Colombian Ornithological , we have described in the editorial the new issue of the journal, published this week by the Colombian Association of Ornithology. The other side history will find in an editorial in the journal of the Foundation ProAves that came out last month. You judge.
Everything has been published on the new species and worth reading for its scientific interest will find in the article Diego Caranton and Katherine Certuche Ornithology published in Colombia. They probably will not be invited to a gala event at the residence of the Ambassador of Colombia in Washington to celebrate their discovery and documentation of this spectacular new species. However, I suspect many of us believe that they committed a great injustice and that the community Colombian bird will always remember this episode and the actions of those involved. Hopefully something not ever happen again. Congratulations to Diego and Katherine for their discovery.
write this from a hotel of road in the mountains of Oregon way to the conference Evolution 2010. Promises to be very good and choose which do not be easy: there will be 12 simultaneous chat sessions for four days and are about 1800 people. I hope to write about the event here soon.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Removing Sealer From Slate
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Best Way To Wax My Penis
In about a week here will post an entry about a very sad and boring, but important and worthwhile thing to acclimate more input light. Every four years, I am assailed by a feeling that is very similar to that of the night before the first day of school: tomorrow starts the World Cup! And what football has to do with biology, which is the subject of this blog? Well, recently, although from an ornithological point of view any links do the Chicken Street, the Pelican Banguero, Bird Juárez (now the Carpenter), the late Usurriaga Palomo, the Eaglet Quiñonez and the versatile Manimal Cortes, among others. And the owl Tyto alba Metropolitan flying a week ago, when the Junior de Barranquilla Colombia crowned tournament champion, will symbolize something. E
n fact, the best connection between football and ornithology I know (thanks to Andres Gomez ) is the observation of birds, the great Roberto Fontanarrosa . Enjoy it, and enjoy the world:
"One opens the door and goes out with a hell scrape out the insides. Outside, the Sunday nap goes silent and still, as if nothing had happened. And do not worry, brother, nothing happens. If, after all, is just one more game. A party among the thousands of games teams have played the classic Rosario. Or do you think or anyone remember how they came in the first game of the year 75? Or the second? Neither knows oneself. Not even remember. Momentary emotions are temporary. Intense but fleeting. Deep pain, a blinding joy but the next day goes, disappears without visible physical marks, such as chickenpox. Surely there is hardly anyone on the court. Park almost empty. Tomorrow will tell the newspaper that the party attracted little public. The campaign irregular of the perennial rivals, the promise of a bad game and the threat of a new tie away to the bias, of course. Does not matter the party. If you lose, there will be a stinging sizzle for a while, a belated laugh, a look conceited, but nothing more. Nothing more. But a tie. Just 45 minutes remaining, if already started the second half. 45 minutes. But how is it take so long to spend 45 minutes? How can they become an endless eternity? The thing is do not watch the clock. Do not watch it ever. Then suddenly, when one in a natural and understandable reflection of urban animal watch dial, and have spent 40 minutes or 43, there is nothing left. Two minutes just a sigh, a pittance of time, a haughty gesture miserable preamble of the referee raising his right hand and shows players, the grandstand and the world that adds two minutes only, which gives a fuck who has been eight crashes and mobs delay and are willing to cut a classic as soon as possible with the ease of having taken the game without major problems or unfair evictions. So. But the most fucked up are the first 20 of the second half, that's fucked up, one muses. Here again the teams want to take the two points and especially local, dammit, will launch the attack forced by his status as a homeowner. And our are such jerks that always deconcentrated within minutes! Fall asleep, do not find the marks, they put a rebound goal morons. Goals jerks ... What is that? What is that? A hoot! There is a goal! Someone celebrate! If you hear another speaker there is no doubt, be held ... But there is nothing. Silence again. You walk and sees a dull pounding a tom-tom oppressive from the inner side of the chest. Pasty mouth how can shit so long to spend 45 minutes? If you're going to eat for example, or a coffee and there, the fart, chatting, watching people, distracted and suddenly he looks at his watch, and he has spent more than an hour. How is possible that differences in density over time? Moreover, very recently, say yesterday without going further, one was in the backyard playing with toy soldiers and now all of a sudden, now has his age and he has fallen head hair . Practically for hours, met with high school classmates celebrating the end of the fifth year, cuddled Podesta hand, fucked with Carelli and suddenly, in a breath, is here, walking the streets of the neighborhood as a fugitive, as a tramp, like a fugitive, trying to pass a good time for all that fucking classic that is the result. Exactly. The result may be. Win, draw or defeat. Even defeat. Because the defeat, when accepted, when installed, it invades the body like a bitter medicine but relaxed, resigned. What one destroys it is anxiety. Two weeks, three weeks, four, waiting for the day foretold. Seventh date of revenge. And the final of the unfailing. That ball in the stomach that is formed in the previous comments during the match against Vélez, during the match with Ferro, during the match with Boca, about classical approaches. The celebration of the city ... Exactly! They go to the motherfucker with the feast of the city. Happy is that dog across the street. Footsteps are heard even padded paws on the pavement, this is the silence nap. He knows nothing of football, knows nothing of the classic, do not give a turd the result. Why? Someone shouted. Yes Someone screamed. In a nearby house was raised a cry. Man or woman? If a woman may not have happened. A reproach to his son maybe. If a man can be a goal. Although there are many women fans terribly well. Indeed. They are the worst things to yell at the players on the court. The house is humble. Central goal may be, then. The neighborhood is a stronghold scoundrel. But now everything is very mixed. Before greengrocers were lepers Central and oligarchs. But now you see Concheta they are scoundrels and some impressive grones are lepers. Children are even with the red and black many times. There is no security so that the cry of joy comes from a centralist. Anyway, is not repeated. You look like an Indian environment. He sniffs the air, ears, turns his head looking for signs in the air. Can not suffer so much. Maybe it's better to go to court. One is there in situ, in the proper place of facts. Nestled amidst the popularity, looking at what happens, no need to guess anything or to tell you. But you have to go very early, when the reservation begins. And standing and sitting and standing and sitting and standing and sitting every time there is a situation of goal until he finally stopped for good and all that story ends. Must be more trained than the players, dammit. Squeezed further by the sweaty crowd under the blazing sun of summer. And see the unbearable spectacle of the giant flags covered lepers, jumping and screaming like hell in the front tray. Because you can not go to the stalls and run the risk of being seated next to the enemy. And then the other, the truth: on the road, either at the Bombonera, in the gasometer or in the Monumental, is very, very likely to break your ass. Historically it has been. And the return is hard. But the worst is radio. It is much worse than going to court. It's like fighting a guy in a dark room. The rapporteurs assume responsibility to its listeners, and most of all against their advertisers, provide drama to the show, that real football feast Rosario. Therefore, the shots always go skimming the trees, the saves always take the condition of miraculous and in-depth attacks invariably dismiss a definite aroma of goal. Should be guided then by the outbreak of the rostrum there in the background. The rumored of India as a backdrop for the transmitted type. You hear the "Uhhh," which becomes "Ahhh" when the reporter still has not reached the ball screaming that comes as a shot of fart or that we lost a unique opportunity. You hear the explosion when the guy is still far is advertising that reaches the heart and you know that big of them jumped and I sent it to save. On the field at least, one sees where the wing, where he was and how far that ball real arch develops the play. Although there is the appeal of listening to another game and wait for the connection with Rosario. River-San Lorenzo, for example, to connect to each moment and emotion that exists in the Independence Park in another edition of one of the oldest classic of football. But there the thing is often worse. The heart is helpless before the fatal saber news. Before at least, with Fioravanti, a knight of the sports-radio someone announced: "Atento Fioravanti." "Atento Fioravanti!" Called a type. Then grab one of the pillows, for example, if I lay on the catrera-gave a somersault on the bed, biting the sheets and looked like an asshole, like a lamb to the final skill of the butcher, the cunning coup. Could be to call from somewhere else, say, from Platense in Manuela Pedraza and Cramer, after all. Or, from the flirtatious Atlanta Stadium, to announce a goal from an unknown left pointer. Sometimes one, before a second before he perceived behind a cowardly anonymous call short and unusual public outburst in some age, more like screaming sound of local visitors to off and then sensed, tracked, he feared, that the call was from Rosario. And to top it off, commenting Fioravanti delayed connection, precise and dapper, that at that time, the brave boys Catalans were arming the barrier, the fence, the bulwark, the retaining wall ... But that announcement, "Fioravanti Atento!", Warned the spirit, psyche and had prevented the field to receive the highest pain or joy blinding. But now not. Now, all of a sudden shameless, crude, wildly, gets into a wild screaming transmission "Gol de Boca!" And shit. One is shivering, trembling, slapped, thinking that those three words could have changed the meaning of life, the axis of movement of the world and the meaning of our existence on Earth. So, for preservation perhaps one can choose not to know anything about the game. Do not want to see or hear, or even know the outcome until the exact moment the final whistle. Why? Because you know that all suffering is limited, your tired heart can not endure the process, the radio broadcast harrowing will add to the tension inherent to reach intolerable trim you prefer, in short, know the score and put a quick shot, a hard smack, blow cold. But locked in a closet, the girl little room terrace can be idle. The radio sound is finite, sharp, liquid seeps through the walls. You know that his neighbor often explode in a terrifying roar to the goals. and are also distant roars. And the horns ... The cinema can be. The film is an option. But there will always be in the audience almost deserted on Sunday at siesta rows back, another coward with a portable radio embedded in the ear. One, sensitive as a raw animal, despite the darkness has seen it and assumed from that moment that Sharon Stone may be into balls a thousand times, that Michael Douglas will hold the eggs against a door repeatedly, but that one only the minimum will be on tenterhooks this fast oscillating hum more than listen, guess and that comes from radio son of a thousand whores in the back row that might have to choose another film for shelter. So now you're on the street. He tried to watch television and was the same. Had coffee, circled through the kitchen but the time had stopped at home and the time to design Bioy Casares in The Invention of Morel. Suddenly there was an explosion, clear, unequivocal. Pump noise. That was a goal, no doubt! Rose chair and turned several times around the table, caught the infernal restlessness. In the kitchen radio, dull, dumb, as expected. It could be a central goal and one was there like an idiot, suffering the fart! And if ol Newells was bad luck. The resignation, he knew, would invade suchas restorative molasses. We had to run to the radio and on. The dial capturing a musical program, insensitive to the core problems of society. One sought madly to dial. Came a loud and furious propaganda. It was there! "We go to the mouth of the tunnel," said a guy. Ago, the rumored. There was excitement in the commentary, there was no excitement or clamor. "A draw is fine, so far," sentenced another. It was nil-nil halftime. Some brainless asshole that bomb had blown disturbing people's rest and preying on the innocent neighborhood. You turned off the radio, almost angrily to the attack of weakness. Forty-five minutes just for the end of execution. Avocados could not be in there. Adrenaline ran the cuepo as one of those carts up and down colorful, possessed, and coasters. We had to go. Walking. Do something. And should go as 20 of the second. Insurance and equipment comply with the tie. Better not to risk staying in the mold, look back. A point is business for the two, neither victors nor vanquished, the city quiet. Everybody's happy. Passes, fast, a car. Your driver has the grim expression may be another fan of Central you are hearing dreaded result! Yes, one would seem to have seen the pendulum of a blue and yellow slipper hanging from the mirror ... It sounds a horn several times! You can be the start of a celebration or, hopefully, the auncia fatal accident ... A dog barks! Perhaps alarmed by the jump joyfully from his master, leprosy famous ... Thunders the open exhaust of a motorcycle! Or are firecrackers? Is there one goal? Is it joy or fire outside its own? One recovers, suddenly, that primary and animal instinct who unsuccessfully try to legarnos our aboriginal ancestors. Begins to track signals in the treetops, to guess the attitude behavior of animals, diving responses in the evidence of nature, as interpreted by the flight of birds. From a closed blind reaches a fleeting whiff of radio reporter. One hastens the pace but the voice follows him like a smart missile head. What unknown inflection in his voice? "The enthusiastic and successful reporter with the vibration of a victory? Does the monotonous cadence and disillusioned with the mediocrity of a new tie? One is a radar antenna, is the fragile fawn raising the wet nose the thickness, the oracle who reads the destination on the subtle reading of the pebbles. Certainly remember the last evening that was lost "catastrophically" a classic. That morning, after the fact wild dogs barking, the birds were silent and cats had an erratic and misleading rolling, cumbersome, on their own feces. To go, you figure, 30 minutes, half an hour. That all goes well, in dead calm, that does not change again an explosion, another roar! The court with that, assholes! Already made her run once and that was a lie. -Throw shooting. To do this shit to one in the legs, nothing else. Although he knows that if a goal is confirmed Central is going to scream. Alone and in the street, as a Pavot, sure jumps up and screams it. Yes sir. It's all an avalanche of pressure on it here at the mouth of the gorge, Epera out, choking. Slowly bends a car, the driver looks at him and goes to one. Black is the Mario. What does this idiot? Why slows down, why they look? Mario head half out the window, shakes and smiles a sad grimace. "That dick you are, brother!" He says. A stylus of a let-down ice from the chest to the groin. "What? Do we lose? "Question. "One to zero." "What's going to do," says one philosophical assumptions, half as if he cared, as if he had gone for a walk because he wants to quietly reflect on human evolution in the next millennium. Mario accelerates and leaves. One is destroyed, pulverized. A party hack has fierce in the middle. "What will you do" is repeated a shit "are you gonna do!" And tomorrow and all week watching on television that fucking goal! And the celebration, and the jump ending of leprosy, and red and black pile of players celebrating. And that if a single goal, after all. Because Central is going out there desperately looking for a draw and eat four. He said that it is almost ... And support the load of Marini. Face Vega peeling of conceited. The thousand bad jokes that spring up like mushrooms after every defeat. The "Do you know how to tell Central?". Must get into the bed and stay for 20 days. That must be done, the bitch mother that Repari What the fuck you put that shirt dirty, white with a picture of the panda, which accompany him in three victories? What puts a shit? From now on, it does not help anymore, so of course. Not more helpful. After all, what one has to do with them, with the team? Do you play anything? "You walk out there and play, perhaps? Eleven boys are fairly well known and shit. Nothing more. Just that. There are more important things in life. If you are a mother was dying at this point, very little would give the ball classic. A classic that will go down in history, no question. One of many. How much will it? Should now be about to end, almost certainly. Now, something happens. Another explosion, some other information from which to cling to a momentary illusion least. Although after Nuls be another goal, look l tell you. A two-nil is not a landslide, a two-nil ... Another explosion, another bomb rumble! And now another, and another one! Done. No doubt. No more classic and we won. The mother who reputísima Repari. Well, it's over. There are worse things. Follow up, however, in the statistics. Evening darkened, cloudy. I wish it would rain and ruin everything. That no one walks down the street. Get a boy from a house and then another. The first naked shouting "Let Central, yet!". A lightning flash illuminates the one inside. He pulls out his throat. Stuttering reaches to ask, "Finished?". "One by one," says the guy, "Central equalized on the hour." You walk, shivering now, through inertia, instrumental. Central to the time, dammit! Central on the hour! No screams. No nods. Not lift hand. The cry will explode like a bomb in deep We scoundrels, yet! It seems unbelievable. One would have thought I was going to jump, disjointed, jumping over a fence, climb a tree like a monkey, climbing up a balcony terrace. But no. No big deal. It was not so terrible after all. Maybe not so important. But a sense of lassitude, of warmth, infinite inner peace it encroaches cordially. And is one block from home. He's hungry, he wants to see his mother, being with friends, to caress the head of the children playing on the sidewalk, the future of the country. The evening is clear, full of sunshine and even cooler. You stop for a moment before enter the door and crosses a couple of sentences with their neighbor. Asked about the flowers being watered by the unusual dimension that has reached the love of the wall. Includes suddenly that old hinchapelota and mismanaged, it is not so bad. On the contrary, is very nice. Finally enters and goes to the bathroom, before turning on the radio to hear, from end to end, the concluding comments. Urine. You wash your hands, look in the mirror. He has over a thousand new gray at the temples. There are two new and deep wrinkles on the forehead. The rings have become darker. One has been aged five years again, as usual. All for a classic, barely. A football game, just . "
Thursday, June 3, 2010
What Kills Strep Throat Bacteria
The Department of Biological Sciences (DCB) of the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) seeks to fill a position for a postdoctoral researcher and teacher to be linked as a full-time visiting professor for one year the second half of 2010. Applicants must have Ph.D. and give preference to those researchers interested in linking to a research group for postdoctoral DCB.
is expected that the successful candidate will help foster new perspectives and approaches to scientific research through research in the DCB collaborative or independent in association with one or more teachers of DCB. The successful candidate will also act as a colleague and mentor other teachers and for undergraduate and graduate students. Teaching responsibilities of the position include teaching an introductory course in ecology for students of different races to Biology in each academic semester of the year, and in the period intersemestral. The visiting professor also may issue additional courses or workshops on topics of interest.

Send resume and two letters of recommendation by 30 June 2010: '
Recruitment Committee professorial
Department of Biological Sciences
Universidad de Los Andes
Denise Milani Before Surgery
The Department of Biological Sciences, University of the Andes in Bogota, Colombia, seeks candidates for a teaching assistant / associate in population genetics. The successful candidate will be linked to the Institute of Genetics and Phylogeography. Candidates must possess a doctoral degree, preferably with postdoctoral experience, and have a broad scientific production. We are especially interested in candidates with expertise in molecular genetics of populations, coalescence theory, genomics or computational biology. The successful candidate will teach an undergraduate course in genetics, along with graduate courses in their area of \u200b\u200bexpertise and supervision of undergraduate, master's and doctorate in the Department of Biological Sciences.

Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae, a description of its research and a brief statement of teaching philosophy and experience (preferably in a single PDF document) to the following email: ccontbio@uniandes.edu.co The deadline for submission of papers is July 31, 2010. Selected candidates are requested letters of recommendation and copies of recent publications. For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact:
Andrew J. Crawford
Institute Population Genetics and Phylogeography
Department of Biological Sciences, Universidad de los Andes
Tel +57 1 339-4949 x2751
Email: aj.crawford244 @ uniandes.edu.co Web
: http://dna.ac
Recruitment Committee professorial
Department of Biological Sciences
Universidad de Los Andes
Friday, May 28, 2010
Cocaine Tightness Chest

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Christian Invitation Wording Spanish

This document is aimed at professionals and individuals interested in the subject. Click HERE to download the manual.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Triumph Underwear In Dubai
Yesterday, I was telling a colleague some experiences during my career as an architect, when, between bitter and sweet memories, I reached the "Environment Friendly Window" (VMA) ...
VMA was a project managed personally back in 2003, funded by the Environmental Protection CONAMA and held in Villa Valle Nong, Concepción, in conjunction with various neighborhood organizations in the sector, including, Neighborhood, group DOMOKIM women, youth and Radio ALJUVIV Nong.
This was intended to recover as a square or a triangle green of land, although owned by the city, was being used for parking of buses and trucks, in the residential neighborhood. It was not just the idea of \u200b\u200ba green, but a place of multiple social dimensions of an "environmentally friendly window", the dream of a peaceful place where children could go and play, the neighbors might be to leave their garbage separate , park their bicycles, looking just sit down and talk there, a place that administer various neighborhood organizations, and we built a small greenhouse for the maintenance task itself was. .. More ..
was an experience of participation in design participatory. The project was ambitious. Getting a bit apathetic community committed to the neighborhood and decided to rule the design of the plaza, and participated in its construction. No lack of obstacles. Rather, they were the focus of this long year. But the square, years later, was built. Thanks, among other things, that when we were underfunded, exhausted, but with a project in hand, decided to submit to the Municipality and donate it plans to complete construction of the idea.
Maria Blender told me ... you should not speak so disparagingly of that experience, by contrast, was a great achievement. It is a black spot on your history, but a patch of green! Submitting
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
White Sticky Mucus Chunks On Stool
On this basis, it is possible to introduce small but significant changes that reduce artificial lighting demand, increasing income and distribution of natural light.

These changes, on the one hand, reduce operating costs of the building and, secondly, significantly improve indoor environmental quality, which certainly appreciate the people who inhabit it and who he is liable for the entire time life of the building, the electricity bills.
images plotted a case in which, even without making any changes to the spatial structure of the original project are achieved visible improvements.
Is It Ok To Take A Bath With A Concussion
" I next cut the wing Through the I humeri In Another fowl, and tying up the trachea, as in the cock, Found That the Air Pass to and from the bones by the canal in this bone "
(J. Hunter, 1758)
I think the only article in my undergraduate days I keep a copy of the paper is still consult the classic Schmidt-Nielsen on how birds breathe. This article (highly recommended!) Summarizes the characteristics of the respiratory system of birds, including the presence of air sacs and hollow bones connected to the respiratory system, plus the ability to air flow in one direction. For too long, it has been suggested that the particular characteristics of the respiratory system of birds they would particularly efficient to extract oxygen from the air, and even several authors suggested that these features could have been the result of natural selection pressures imposed by flight an energetically costly form of locomotion. However, a few years ago showed that the air sacs and hollow bones unidirectional flow of air is not unique to birds, but were also present in non-flying theropod dinosaurs, a fact that essentially led to reject the hypothesis of that these structures have evolved as adaptations related to flying (1 ). To make matters worse, last year published new fossil evidence indicates that members of the group of organisms closely related to dinosaurs (including birds), pterosaurs, also had hollow bones and air sacs ( 2 ) implying that the origin of these features probably came at a much earlier stage of evolution of the archosaurs (the group that includes birds, other dinosaurs, pterosaurs and crocodiles). Well, Science has recently published a finding that forces us to look further ago. The article shows that the unidirectional flow of air is not unique to birds, or the descendants of the most recent common ancestor shared by birds and dinosaurs: this seems to be also a feature of the respiration of the crocodiles!
And? Well, to me that itself seems a very interesting because it reinforces the idea that to understand the biology of any group of organisms, in this case birds, it is essential to know the evolutionary history of lineage to which belong. The respiratory system of this particular group may well have facilitated the evolution of flight (probably no coincidence that two of the three groups of flying vertebrates-birds and pterosaurs, are archosaurs), but clearly did not emerge as an adaptation for flight. And on the other hand, if the respiratory system and efficient highly modified with birds today have existed since the time when there was the most recent common ancestor of all archosaurs, other hypotheses about the history of life on Earth seem to start to be supported: it was proposed (4 ) that archosaurs survival in periods of low oxygen concentrations could have been facilitated by its highly efficient respiratory system and this could explain why this group was not as affected as many others in the mass extinction event of the late Permian ( 5 ).
In another tone, the finding that the crocodiles are unidirectional air flow as the birds is perhaps the closest thing to a crocopato evidence, the animal and now the actor Kirk Cameron ultracristiano and anti-evolution (and mentally retarded, according to this website ) suggested there should be if the theory of evolution were true. The next two images, which coincidentally my father sent me last night, came at the right time. If someone is sick enough to want to know the crocopato argument in detail, in the end there a (sad) video of Cameron.

Farmer, C., & Sanders, K. (2010). Unidirectional Airflow in the Lungs of Alligators Science, 327 (5963), 338-340 DOI: 10.1126/science.1180219
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Hummer H3 Are The Going To Stop Making Them
Shaken after reading the last letters of Paul and Jane Bowles at least clear thinking: how horrible it must be so desperate to receive a text from someone you love and is convinced that only you can save
Monday, March 1, 2010
What Does Pain To Both Hips After Walking Mean

occasion of the earthquake in recent days in our country, BIOESPACIOS joins the Solidarity Network of Professionals for Reconstruction. Through the College of Architects will cadastres and assessing damage to buildings, putting the community service experience in building with raw earth, whether adobe, thatch, mud, mixed media, as well as wood and concrete.
Registration No. 50 in official list.
If you need a review of your home, you must register in their respective municipalities. Find your city here: List of Municipalities .
Monday, February 22, 2010
Soccer Referee Headset
The blog takes too much time off (try to write more often now onwards), so here goes a brief entry for dusting. A few days ago I returned from my first visit to Brazil, where I participated in a symposium on advances phylogeography of neotropical birds in organized by my colleague Alexandre Aleixo as part of the Brazilian Congress of Zoology in the city of Belem. The conference was number 28 of its kind, in Colombia so far is planning the third ...
least I was able to attend conferences that he wanted (and no outside our safe symposium keynote presentations), as all presentations were long and there were many simultaneous sessions, but I had some very interesting issues in discussions. The first was related to the origin of the present river course Amazon. The traditional assumption that geologists have argued Carina Hoorn (who was in our symposium and made a presentation of his new book on Amazon) is that the Amazon as we know it (ie running from west to East) there is a long time, more than 10 million years ago (1 ). By contrast, another group of researchers led by Kenneth Campbell , evidence suggests that ancient Amazon based on misinterpretations and that the river would be much younger, around 2.5 million years ( 2 ). Interestingly, several bird phylogeography analysis presented at the conference Amazon by Aleixo, Camila Ribas and Joel Cracraft show separations between populations on either side of the river, according to analysis based on clock molecular causes date back to about 2 million years. This seems to support the geological setting of Campbell and suggests that the diversification of Amazonian biota could have been much more recent than what has hitherto been believed. Let's see how the debate ends.
The other issue on which I learned quite is the application of new DNA sequencing techniques, a topical issue on which we talked here once, and was recently reviewed with a special issue of the journal Molecular Ecology (see also this assessment on the applications of these techniques to studies in ornithology ). There is still much to learn about this, but the ability to generate almost all the data needed for our project on phylogeography of birds in lowland distributions on both sides of the Andes (our partners Robb Brumfield and John McCormack are working on this) in only one run is pretty exciting. I still can not imagine how will that be and how to analyze the mountain of data that generated this kind of thing, but well, it's time we get on the bus. The other thing that impresses about this is the shrinking price of sequencing: I heard someone say that there are already companies that can sequence a human genome for about $ 2000 in consumables (almost unbelievable considering what it cost the Human Genome Project) ...
At the end of the congress were watching birds at a site called Utinga (in Bethlehem) with Juan Parra, Luciano Naka and Swati Patel. I watched a couple of "lifers", we learned about a messianic church aims for the welfare of animals (chickens are slaughtered when they hear classical music) and survived to the cobras, the Jaguars and the rain, no doubt thanks to the protection we gave local authorities as shown in the photo (sorry it is blurry, but I had to put this where you get a rider that none of us knows who he is).

Friday, February 5, 2010
Invitation Wording Verses 16