Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Hairstyles 2009 Foils
Thinking about all this from internet downloads and earn what the telephone company because of it (nobody has a 10 meg adsl to check your gmail account), I've noticed that two of them made separate advertising campaigns in refer the matter back to the gratuity which is presupposed to art (in which case I will not go because it's so obvious that some Internet download without permission from the owner is stealing that seems ridiculous to me to explain).
to see one of them a dedicated editor to not call the writer for this (which is stuck living the good life, in swimming, sleeping it off until all hours and without glue or metal) will deliver his novel. That is, the message is: the writers do not work. Sleeping basically write their books and stuffed in a hot, not like other mortals. Ergo, they should not be remunerated for their work, on the contrary, I would propose to pay for it, which unfortunately was already invented, of course, within the cultural industry, where even its practitioners believe that art be paid.
In another campaign, users of the mobile phone company van to various stores and offer leave without pay. Are supposed to be used to "planazos" of that company and they think that the whole mountain is free oregano. In fact, a nice metaphor of reality. But I propose another concept, as the music is free, for that, not pay the phone, no light, no mortgage. What about the right to adequate housing? Why do not manifest for that? yes there might even agree.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Can Antibiotics Cause Swollen Ankles
A little over a year, we were fortunate to receive an unforgettable visit Peter and Rosemary Grant University of the Andes, where they gave an impressive conference based on his book How and Why Species Multiply occasion of our celebration early Darwin Day as part of events celebrating 60 years at the University . In the conference and in his book, Grant gathered his experience of more than 30 years studying the finches Darwin in the Galapagos Islands to illustrate the processes involved in the origin of species.

The authors finish off the article talking about the possible fate that could follow the lineage that led to the male immigrant, which they carefully cataloged only as an incipient species. Is likely to end up disappearing in the short or medium term, but my interpretation of the data (based on the idea of \u200b\u200bErnst Mayr the biological species concept is dimensionless, that the standard bone isolation reproduction is only applicable in a moment in time and place in space) is that race may be considered a new species. The implications of this are profound, thanks to a multifaceted and extended in time, the Grants have been the origin of new species in real time. Darwin never imagined that something like this happen.
Grant, P., & Grant, B. (2009). Inaugural Article: The secondary contact phase of allopatric speciation in Darwin's finches Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (48), 20141-20148 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0911761106
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Using Cold Wax For Underarms

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Landline Phone Provider In California

Rarely in life makes me want to go back to being 13 years. As I said in a previous post, the much mythologized adolescence seems to me the worst time of life. But we must recognize that one of the few advantages of puberty is that it is easier to fall surrendered to something and get caught up in the excitement, the passion of new knowledge.
When, after a sleepless night, I spent reading Soseki Immortal Tigre, Drago's new book, I turned the last page and closed my eyes pretending to go to sleep, I thought I was angry have not read that book 25 years ago when everything had been provided a map of directions for further research, a sort of spell to open the doors of perception and knowledge. But no, I was wrong. The vigil will not let me think clearly. What had been discovered Soseki Immortal Tigre was identical, but now were closer to menopause than at menarche, which had experienced the first time I read "Siddhartha", "The Island" of Huxley, "Treasure Island", "Alice in Wonderland the Wonderland "or some parts of" Gárgoris and Habidis "(which then did not get completely sink your teeth). It was obvious what was awake at 5 am, reading non-stop? Why did the excitement of discovery, the first time? The book had seduced me and I had given that adolescent experience, saving mood swings, acne and insecurities.
Within days, you can see in The White Nights my brief comment on it. I suppose you've been clumsy, so although I repeat, I would delve into what I say here. Commented that he can draw two key lessons that, in my view, define a Dragó that not everyone here knows and shows no shame. It is his ability to question everything, to not take anything for granted and not be intimidated by his authority and that facility to get something good (the novel) about how terrible (the death of Soseki). The first is a constant in the book. The grandfather teaches his granddaughter many things, speaks of philosophy, history, legends ... but the key lesson is to unlearn, to forge a path of knowledge itself. Secondly, the ability to give back to life, something we all know in theory, but very few have the determination to make, is another of those things that make you like and admire Drago.
At this point, let the record straight. It is clear that Fernando Sanchez Drago has thousands of fans who idolize him and hundreds of opponents that they can not bear. And, in fact, quite frequently have to explain why I like him so much and why I have so very dear. Mention this because it does indeed write this text from the heart. Soseki I knew, I experienced the pain of Drago and Naoko for her death. Discovered by them, Joseph Girl, Bunbury and Javier Colis footprints in the table in the center of Eleusis and out came a story that I have the honor he has decided to appear in the book. I lived that deep wound almost at first hand and myself suffered by Soseki and two of them.
The book I read before returning to the center of initiation that Drago plans to open and is still in its infancy, but has begun to bear fruit. In my case, I must say that I got in a way the night before the book launch at Church of the village and left 48 hours after turned away, feeling that there would be a before and after in my life. I do not know if it will, but simply feel that, that's enough.
During those hours there were many magic moments, but we may help you better understand what we mean is the baptism of Sensei, the brother of Soseki. It was a short, intimate ceremony. The six who attended the event were excited. We all had in common a love for Drago and Naoko, by Soseki and, thereafter, by Sensei. That it is a defining feature, but so is having the sensitivity and the ability to make this game something completely serious liturgy, only children and some adults as six of us are able to "play" with the solemnity. Drago improvised a few words, he repeated because he was not convinced, Alicia Mariño (author of the haiku that serves as an epitaph on the tomb of Soseki and godmother Sensei) played the part with absolute ceremony as Lewis Carroll's Alice is. Naoko, the wise and gentle Naoko, watched the scene with tenderness, Elena Figueroa held the baptismal font full of champagne and then I thought it would be perfect to sing something a capella, as only she can do, the Barbarian Blecua Ramon, one of the Castilfrío new settlers had made a stop on their nomadic journeys to attend the ceremony and gave an air of solemnity to the act, wearing his black cloak, and I was there, remembering that day in which there in that garden presided over by a Buddha, Soseki left his seven-league boots to become a tiger of light.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Best Headgear For Jiu Jitsu

Dawkins not only has been one of the most visible voices trying to explain what evolution is for the general public and counter any creationist garbage (eg 1, 2 ) in recent years, but has gone a step further there to become an activist for anti-scientific and intellectual religion. His arguments are too numerous to present here, but are exposed in his bestseller The God Delusion (cost me after reading it becomes repetitive and dense, but in essence it is quite convincing).
Well, to mark the 150th anniversary of the publication of The Origin of Species, about which he wrote Felipe here a couple of days, CNN ran an interview with Dawkins. It is short but worth reading. In addition, the page contains video of a lecture delivered a few years ago Dawkins TED . I'm not sure you want to be part of its membership, but several points clearly is quite right (see also the end of the conference in my Coyne previous entry, which in fact was given in a conference atheists!).
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Why Do I Get Pimples On My Scalp

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I Want To Style My Bangs Differently

Evolution and Diversity!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Will V2 Support Help With Prolapsed Bladder?
In tribute to Buenaventura, who died 73 years ago, a moment of Durutti Column, one of my favorite bands. In all honesty, I must say that when I met the group still did not know where he came from. I remember when my father asked me if they were anarchists (that did know what it was, man, thanks to punk, of course) I said no, they were not punks, which could not be ... was typical nonchalance benefit of 14 years. He looked at me intently, as he often did throughout his life, every time I did not know something he seemed essential, in a gesture of surprise, affection, smile and phony outrage and asked, "Do not know Buenaventura Durrutti who was? " from that day I knew.
Durutti Column and Tuxedomoon were two of the favorite bands of my father. Several years later, around 88, Vini Reilly interviewed in Madrid. When I granted the interview, I called my father and excited Vini signed me I looked hard for him when my father died and I found, may be in a secret box that has never appeared. It was an important day for me, this interview. I loved that group was the first major news events of my life and there well knew that would be my partner for the next four years. In that conversation with Reilly remember who told me that only ate ham sandwiches, cheese and egg and chips. So is memory.
Well, well, thanks to them I knew well what was that of anarchism.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
How Long To Keep Deer Sausage
10 years ago today the death of Paul Bowles, the final one in my education. When I read Memoirs of a Wanderer I felt a healthy envy those life-changing. I decided that I wanted to bring this adventurous life, nomadic, apparently free, Paul and Jane. It would have been live in the 30's, when Tangier was City International or 60, when Brian Jones walked in there or Burroughs, but not yet refined enough time machine.
Since then I have followed very closely and is one of those people that come to mind from time to time. I put here one of his compositions for music and literature was not what led him to Tangier. It was there on a scholarship to investigate the trance music of the Master Musicians of Jajouka, including other matters.
In a previous post (http://silviagrijalba.blogspot.com/2008/12/viajes-platnicos.html) talk about my fascination with these musicians in the Atlas and I did not travel with my father, but in addition there came an idea that I have not yet done, to write a book about the connection between traditional trance music and electrónca. An expensive project, for now, is in the closet, wishing to leave. From this comment I'm looking for sponsors to finance it, interested, leave a message after the beep.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Cooking Bowling Ball In Oven
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Disney Diecast Cars 2010 Releases
perfect. Lou Reed on fragments of works by Warhol. The exposure and marketing capacity of Pennsylvania have made certain sectors will consider a lesser artist, a kind of craftsman who was more business ready to sell that building. The debate over whether a contemporary artist must combine talent (or genius) with the ability to make your work reach as many people as possible would take a long time and now is the time. Broadly speaking, I would say yes. But back to the topic at hand, these images are excerpts from "Blow Job" and "Kiss," two works that, in my opinion, no one has managed to overcome. I mean, the key both (excitation / experiment / replicate) were the seeds of many later works of video art, and neither has passed. Now that is so fashionable whole thing arty porn, eroticism and recording conceptual Beckham sleeping, finally, I remember "Kiss" and "Blow Job" and, of course, "Sleep" and gives me giggles.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Does Unlimited Texting Include Audio Verizon
Recommendation of the week: the new video of Paul Cobollo with his Love Police. I knew this song the same day that Paul, in the second edition of Word and Music Festival of Spoken Word. Paul brought us one of the best shows that have been there, comparable to the likes of Julian Cope and John Sinclair. I love Paul Cobollo and I hope you too. There are some unmistakable guitar Javier Colis. There were in the first version I heard at Sevilla, but they are the perfect complement.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Nadine Jansen Al Desnudo
Happy Day of the Dead. Here are some videos to accompany this day. In none of them shows a "trick" or "treatment", a concept that, frankly, my Latino prevents me from capturing the full extent. Where is A Holy Company pumpkins are removed.
First, Dracula, of course. And their girlfriends. I have not found the scene where he seduces the bride. In my opinion a highlight in the history of erotic cinema.
The great Screaming Lord Sutch in saving plan. Nothing like a cemetery to commit murder.
Yes, of course, The Cramps and his sunglasses at night
Bats are essential and Nick Cave, more
"Bauhaus? yes, of course
Christian Death
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hmong Song In Gran Torino
last few months, particularly since I'm in Facebook, I get a average of four messages a month asking for introductions, interests in books and all kinds of texts, as well as invitations to panel discussions, lectures etc. 90% of them are cards that do not include compensation, by people who do not know (I want to ie, they are not friends ask me a personal favor, something different, but that's a gift). Fortunately I also receive invitations rewarded, but often in ways that "official", ie my website or my agent. I, until now, after 20 years professional writing and being also on the other hand, the organization of round tables, festivals etc, I've been very clear. If you can not pay someone for work I can think to call to do so. My theory is that if there is no money to pay for write, play, participate in a table, it clearly can not do that project. Or, maybe, if a book, for example, and no money, it should appeal to texts that are already made.
I state this here because I start to wonder. You may be in error and I is rare. I know that there is an argument that refutes my argument saying that there are some very interesting things that if everyone wants to collect as there will be successful. Yes, indeed. But I see this as I do not know, for example, buy a house. If I can not buy a penthouse in Chelsea, since I bought it and that's it. From this we discussed here referring to the music, which is another area that I know, but I fear that affects all areas of art. I expose because I want the opinion of most people and, again, I may be wrong and give too much importance to this writing. For my love of art has a price and I do not mean metaphorically, but we, like I'm wrong.
PS If any of those who asked me to collaborate with some text, give a free talk etc reading this, please do not think that is an attack. In fact, all I have explained my point of view and have understood (I hope). It is not a "claim", just something I do not understand and expose it if someone helps me to understand (or not).
This entry was published simultaneously in facebook. Copy (by removing the names because I have not asked permission) comments have been made there, if someone wants to continue reviewing here 1-best
the soundtrack by Ennio Morricone, of courseHace an hour.
2-I feel the same, Silvia, although there are exceptions. What is wrong is that people think that we are available to all, and the fact that we already have should be sufficient payment.
3-you forgot to mention the importance of respect. oneself. through the eyes of others.
.. so absurd as to go to a restaurant, sit at the table and ask the chef to surprise star juices with our superb creations. eat. burp. rise of unpaid mesa.marcharnos .... Read másnena, enhorabuena.ahora respect you more.
4-these things happen in all professions. You have reason ... Mason read it with friends is different (I liked it a gift), but friends of friends and cousins \u200b\u200bof friends and the children of mothers-in girlfriends of our friends are diferentes.Lo problem is that artistic issues misunderstand things. As are works in theory or dye idle funny, people think that cost (in both senses) and as there is a minimal relationship, some leverage to demand "a favorcillo of anything." I propose a roll sheet "love of art has a price," and man! 5-
agree that what you pay for them and therefore must be equal
6-Under In my view there are things that should be charged and others not. Basically we should charge for the work and the rest can do for free if you want and you'd like. The problem is that many people going to do things professionally in principle were not working. I mean that people who are, for example, hundreds ... Read massification or attorney, gives a talk one day, you get paid, get excited because it is easy money and after a loooong time devoted more time to give Charleta that original work. Of course, there if no charge has a problema.En my case I paid the newspaper I work for. And (at least for now) and I shall make my living. If someone offered me a side, I look, I appreciate it and if I want I do. And really, the last thing I care about is money.
8-totally agree, I as a journalist and singer hallucinate with unpaid proposals, c ... Read másómo?? you want to give you a free two-day pilot? and will release it's a great opportunity for you to see, and the music ... let alone Silvia ... we have to pay us the room to tocar.Lo that accounts is not at all interested or selfish position, I like to write, you do well, but it is a job like going to the office, you must value and have to live so you have to be paid. The other day a radio station told me that in these times of crisis there are speakers who charge 5 euros speech, and said it excited me like a great opportunity for the channel, the crisis we are experiencing. I did not feel embarrassed sorry for the speaker and agree to these prices regrettable. What will happen next year .... go back to double those of the presenters, broadcasters, writers, actors and musicians? crisis need not to underestimate the true professionals ... pathetic Sivia.
9-unfortunately we are in a country where general are not valued in any work, where it is customary to mount things on the basis of cronyism and where companies look at cost before quality. There are honorable exceptions, but the overall picture is a bit like that. Not only is art. Many computer work fixing computers altruistically even in offices?, How many people help make production budgets for all types of soirees? .. Well ... no ... do not cross. One thing is a favor for a friend @ and another that. You imagine this with engineers, architects, lawyers ... but I guess that also happens to another level. I think evil is the above, the lack of appreciation for the work and effort of this country, so we also have wages and other ....
11-GrijalbaBueno, I think we all think, so far, then, m ... Read about the same mass. Of course there are exceptions, Iñigo, me too, thanks God (or whomever) will also pay me in the newspaper and books I write and, in general, things organized and, of course, if a friend asks me to do a prologue or whatever, because I do not charge no money. In fact, sometimes I do things for free, of course, but I mean basically the concept that it's assumed that, as you say more, as this is art, "fun", "cool" for there to pay and if someone asks you to do something free to do so as if such a thing without asking for thousands and thousands of apologies, explaining why you can not pay etc etc. Come on, it seems that pay is an exception.
12-Before The same thing happened. Before for other reasons. As that if you like .... it can not be that top brass and of gusto.Ahora you because nobody cares to do things that took time to and have no idea that bitch for that, to do that, it took time, quite in formation ... Mason read .. I feel that for me is an old topic, well known and have been at this for about 25, 27 years .. and paint and I always release the ... "To see when I was given a box" or. "Ah you paint! Me too and I have a cousin ..".. there are those who go mola culture they seem to face them a painting by 2000 or 3000 euros but you can spend a bit silly cocaine in a weekend and that overspending in one day since .. as normal ... If it is expected that one would pay, it can be one .. There are already to know their work and develop techniques for other gigs aunqeu employer .. and get paid conseguirque ..
13 - I operate as ... Read House:!) Is a friend who calls me a favor? ... Yes, no? If no step 2) A) is an interesting project that starts and really need help and have sought by all means available funding sources or B) is a project that starts but does not really have exhausted the path of process to seek funding or C) have not even thought about the job of building a consistent idea financially and where all charge ... well in cases 1 and 2 to collaborate if and only if I have time (for even friends looking for that time) . 15-I
Silvia. But I'm sure you also know several alleged professionals-what-it-is that what living is really the "pins" and the prologue and charge up to speak at meetings of its neighboring community. And it is harmful because people simply can not afford. Interesting initiatives that are burdened by these leaders of the first person charged.
16 - agree with you, and I'm a little m ... Mass reading further: it has no value for free (most of the time, q is do not say always) ... we used to pay for everything, and no wonder that people do to be up there, how they got and what contratación.Conozco conditions are some artists do anything that is for "love of art" that lead him to the edge of failing to cooperate in projects that maybe, just maybe, might have a payoff in the future. And I fully understand, is not enough mediocrity famine and q are credited with the artistic, to leave it at zero cost over ???.... what currency exchange then there is ???... same reciprocity then when we're in good times, memories of those we helped q??. q I fear does not usually happen .... This is a topic q is permanently in many conversations, and my conclusion (knowing the bad life of the artists) is q can not overlook the fees. You no matter who gets upset. Moreover, we can go eat for free at a restaurant just to prove that there is no ????.... ???... and why a writer / musician / pintor...etc should do it? ?.... need cultural awareness and artistic bone .... not on citizenship education, but in art and culture
17 - Grijalba Yes, totally agree and also, within that, I think people must understand when you go to a place where there really is budget and when is it something more modest and / or underground. The pitch of the speaker, of course I feel as bad. I what I mean is that people (often themselves "artists") does not give enough value to artistic activity and beyond. But what you say is very true.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Vodaphone Prepaid Blackberry

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Nikon Prostaff 550 Riflehunter Review
Only two words: Big Ned and two Bad Angel. I think many of those who pass by here, I appreciate the advice. I have obsessed. His myspace
Friday, October 9, 2009
Can Rosacea Cause Headaches
The case of influenza A currently makes something that is clear for a long time. The power is in the banks, or the State or in a group Illuminati who heads the designs of the population, no. Drug companies are the new churches. Addition being one of the major world economic powers, have a power far more important: are the masters of fear. The managers of the death (in a materialistic society that can not be consoled with the possibility of an afterlife or reincarnation) and pain in a world where the condition of any kind is the greatest terror. Replace the great religions, so far based their power in the management of fear of death, with the promise of a second better eternal life. As that does not exist, the terror of death and the pain intensifies, but there are the drug to extend life and prevent suffering (in theory). Centuries could talk about it, but only one data easy to see for yourself: current allopathic medicine is designed to destroy the immune system and make that much of the first world depend on drugs for life. I refer to antibiotics, of course, but also to other drugs such as cortisone or anti-inflammatories.
But going to the here and now, I guess you have seen the video of the doctor (and sister) Teresa Forcades http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4738T3bmKc
If not, I recommend it. It's a long story, but I copy down the text of La Vanguardia that explains what you say, but I think it is worth spending 10 minutes to see the entire interview. Source
LA Vanguardia / EFE Teresa
Forcades, a Benedictine nun, a medical doctor, started a citizens' movement on the internet to prevent the H1N1 flu vaccine is mandatory due to the declaration of a pandemic by the WHO, and against the disease management .
In a video that has been put online, the nun turn calls for urgent legal mechanisms for citizen participation that you can not force anyone in Spain to be vaccinated, and that those who do not be left without the right to hold accountable if they cause effects secundarios.El video explains that since 2005 the World Health Organization (WHO) can give orders to governments on cases of pandemic vaccine, and if this happens the state is required to enforce the law imposing a fine or imprisonment (in Massachusetts-US-proposed penalty in this case could reach $ 1,000 per day that passes without you vaccinate). Forcades recalls that "the new flu" is not new because it is type A, nor to be the H1N1 subtype, because the 1918 flu epidemic was the type A/H1N1 and because since 1977 the virus A / H1N1 form of the flu season each year, and stipulated that the only thing new is the strain S-OIV.Añade that since it began in April 2009 to September 15, 2009 have died of the flu 137 3,559 people in Europe and worldwide, when due to the seasonal flu do between 40,000 and 220,000 people, which means that the rate of mortality and complications is lower than every religious year.The further alleges irregularities in the preparation of the vaccine and explains how in January 2009, the Austrian subsidiary of Baxter Pharmaceutical distributed to 16 laboratories in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovenia 72 kilos of material to make thousands of seasonal influenza vaccines that contain live virus was avian influenza (A/H5N1 virus ) with live influenza virus each year (A/H3N2 virus). This discovery was made when a laboratory technician of the company BioTest of the Czech Republic tested by their own vaccines in ferrets, animals that are used to study influenza vaccines and to ensure that all murieron.Explica that if the contamination had been discovered in time, the pandemic that no real basis are announcing the authorities WHO and countries "would be a dreadful reality," because it would combine lethal virus with 60% mortality but little contagious as influenza, another with low mortality but high-capacity transmission, such as influenza estacional.También account how only 12 days after the first cases, WHO said the danger level of pandemic alert phase 5 and was ordered to governments that activate emergency plans and a month later stated that he had a pandemic, when the new flu is more benign than the doctor tells estacional.La that this declaration of a pandemic (Phase 6) was possible because in May, the WHO changed the definition of a pandemic. Prior to his death it was necessary because of an infectious agent, a significant proportion of the population, a requirement that was eliminated from the vaccine definición.Sobre, religious warning that most laboratories vaccines designed in two doses to be added to the seasonal flu vaccine, which never has and multiplying by three potential effects secundarios.También revealed that laboratories use to make vaccines very powerful aids to stimulate the immune system, and that is making Glaxo-Smith-Kline contains one called AS03, which multiplies tenfold the immune response, which could lead to auto immune diseases after a serious public does tiempo.Además pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the vaccine are calling on states to sign immunity agreements that if the vaccines have more side effects than expected, politicians and the industry would be exempt from all liability. Forcada Teresa is the author of "The crimes of large drug companies," where he explains how the political and economic power they have acquired serves To ensure an enormous economic benefits, even at the expense of the health of the population.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Can U Give Hpv To Someone
I have understood that a post some time ago in which he spoke of the bad functioning of the recording industry has raised some controversy among union workers, so before you keep writing, I notice that not all currently working in record companies are still inept and intelligent people, valid, enthusiastic, bright, of course. But every time you have a story connected with the good or bad performance of this industry, we will discuss in this blog. It will be from time to time because I do not write nearly music and when I do it often on concerts (and live music promoters and managers do work really well and try to promote the artist, not sink it). But I think talk of case studies is well and I am so shocked by what has happened to me this week that the story, because it seems a metaphor for why the record companies are beginning to overrun all of this, unfortunately, because remember that Apple, Motown, Atlantic or 4AD and Factory, to give varied examples, were instrumental in the musical education of many and the success of a lot of artists.
Story, without mentioning names. Determined media that is among the three most relevant country we live in an article that instructs me they like it to be illustrated with an interview and a picture of a country artist (he would make great photo shoot and interview, which involves two or three pages of the media). I call the artist's label. As I know how it works departments for the promotion, ask for the product manager, I spend with voicemail, leave a message, I hope all the day and get no response, called the promotions department. I tell you what, I ask that you send an email explaining in writing because it will send to the office of the artist, I asked if they prefer not to put me in touch with me directly the manager and I say no, they prefer to manage them. I send the mail return receipt requested. They do not answer and I'm heavy as heavy, I call again and after nearly an hour because the unit does not work, call a random number, changing the last end (I think that if the exchange ends in 00, there will be some extension in the 1st or 25 or so) I finally catch it someone and kindly pass me the promo department. There I say yes to them come the mail and that they have forgotten to answer me with an ok to confirm it was in their possession. Well ... This is a Tuesday. I leave on Wednesday for courtesy to you will think the artist and the control Thursday afternoon an email asking you how you'll remember mine and I need an answer that same week if not, find someone else. Nobody answers. Tf I call on Friday, left several messages in the mailbox of promo ... already fed up, I find out who is the manager that artist and call him. I wonder if they have been in contact with him from the record, I say no, amazed (remember, I had talked to them on Tuesday and I'm talking to the manager on Friday afternoon). I explain and exactly 15 minutes I have to say yes. We do the interview.
Honestly, on Friday morning I thought to pass by that artist. Come on, it was not so difficult to get another. But as I do not trust anyone, thinking that maybe the promo person had not moved a finger, I made that last attempt. That's me, because I know how important it can be for an artist promotion of this type and also because I'm not in a newsroom with a terrible pressure. Honestly, if I had been up with work probably would have happened to be looking for contact with his manager and gone the next on the list, no problem.
In short, this shows that currently in some cases (not all, of course, but lately of May 5 times I've had to deal with them, 3 have failed miserably) current responsible for the dissemination of a record, with his ineptitude, what they do is fastidar, which years ago was unthinkable. It is possible that that person wins record because I do not know, "800 euros a month? Yes, very little money. But, hey, if not directly going to do their job, let him say: "Look, now is promoting the artist and you'd better talk to your manager, your phone is so" and that's it.
The label is a multinational company and the artist has become one of the highest positions of the lists, is without doubt one of the objectives of the company. Come on, do not speak of an unknown musician from a tiny company, which it surely would not have happened.
For this reason, this begins to resemble the bureaucracy, the anecdotes of "Come back tomorrow" of officials. The problem is at stake here is not a photocopy but the life of an artist. To all this, the artist in question is not at all my prefer. I respect him but I see that I write this with the heart, horrified because I admired so ignore him, it's not about that.
Friday, September 25, 2009
How Many Dau Does Implantation Bleeding Last

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Electric Toilet Canada Burning Waste
In a disciplinary action and interactive copy and paste the conversation I just keep my facebook on a matter that concerns me.
My comment said When I read "models, strategies or space" in any matter related to contemporary art and I know there is nothing to say or see / hear. What hobby
And this has been what has followed, if someone wants to add a word or comment, do so in the appropriate section of the blog, please
Xavier Tort
What do you mean, Silvia ?
for 32 minutes · Delete
JM Pérez Rey few more
you tell truths in life. Paténtala as aphorism.
last 29 minutes · Delete
Silvia Grijalva
Well, I mean those text which speaks of the intervention (see, I had forgotten) in the exhibition spaces to find production strategies that reporduzcan management models. Or the exhibition models that lead to a strategy of intervention in the museum space and / or sound ... to give two examples. Come on, that there is nothing to say but if you use those words like you're discovering the atom.
for 27 minutes · Delete
Lola Fernández
since the commissioners write, everything is a disaster (and now I like the universal flood der Komisar)
for 21 minutes · Delete
Silvia Grijalva
haha, lola, great truth you said, good for nothing, share
shower for 20 minutes · Delete
Lola Fernández
to be fair, we should speak of journalists riding exhibitions, ahem ... :)
19 minutes · Delete
Xavier Tort
Well, I think as a symbol "external" state contemporary art itself, which I think has long since lost interest ... And every time I find most suspicious, I must say. We must return to the craft, and let us have already floating blocks, wires supporting stones, glass walls with texts in lipstick, bottles, sleeping on the floor, etc ... In all of this and I find no pleasure. Not everything is symbolic, jope!
for 18 minutes · Delete
Lola Silvia Grijalva, the whole reason ... Read more on, but I think that at least in those cases, the catalogs are well written ... Xavier, man, I re- crafts do not know do not know, the discussion between the technical / craftsman and artist I have not clara.Pero yes, we, I do see a catalog to include only one of those words, I know that the alleged artist has no idea what he's doing and that the commissioner is a pedant who does not dare to say that neither understands nor pope. I refer more programs on contemporary art theory, especially the new art centers say these modern, medium size, which are, I imagine, that people from small towns forever hate anything that smacks of the much hackneyed word "vanguard" for 12 minutes ·
Delete Raquel Marquez
Haha, totally agree. I subreva that lately all the artists are "a reflection" on what it is. If you metal circles of different sizes and colors the text says: "The artist reflects on the concept of circularity." If you put garbage on the counter, "the artist reflects on what is junk, I stalk ...
for 11 minutes · Delete
Silvia Grijalva for s ... Read more í, less reflection and study the classics, why have it. I searched for a random text of one of these centers, delete the name because, man, not at fault, but come on, walking around, there are thousands and miles.Incluyo "postulates, and interactive platform and transdisciplinary" oh, and pregnancy contextoLa collaborative networks, the horizontal and cross-disciplinary vocation are some of the principles that characterize the XXXX. XXXX interaction is to the emergence of a platform which promotes the continuous creation of questions, both the creators and the public, with which to approach answers finally define the contemporary context, immediate and future.
for 6 minutes · Delete
Free Iwannabefree
JAJAJA, me too. And relational aesthetics, puaf
for 4 minutes · Delete
Sergi Bellver
And do not forget to quote Wittgenstein a couple of times in the peroration to look more put on the subject, or as priceless resource "key contribution to the art scene." And of course, as Weltanschaung write a couple of times, you're a wreck critic.
for 4 minutes · Delete
Silvia Grijalva
yes, and added that has a clear influence of the School of some rare German or Nordic city to be able to
there about 2 minutes · Delete
Raquel Marquez
Haha, so I no longer takes "interdisciplinary" now that almost started to like ...
a minute ago · Delete
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Radius Of Curvature Of Bimetallic Strip
Today was the day of Perfect Day, I guess it's the fall, which makes me happy to be with that people say that it is in spring ... altered blood and all that. I have uploaded the song in FB and commented that to say that one is brimming no need to shout or jump. And I add that Lou Reed, with this song, manages to express that state of quiet fulfillment that is so complicated to explain. So far, so perfect, Reed, in this case, in my opinion, was a genius.
But Angel Alvarez (not the radio, the musician) has passed me a link to a full orchestra in which Lou Reed and Pavarotti make a duet. Pavarotti http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXgbN81zNG8&feature=related not to blame, well, this opera singing popular songs in plan horrifies me but he and Plácido Domingo beyond what hobby to "bring the people, "the" serious "music ... as if the opera music was hard to understand, please! But that is another matter. Here you deserve a correction is Lou Reed. Why is determined to be the one who is not? to see, is one of the great authors rock of all time, but not, to him it seems like little thing and is determined to go on what he considers "intellectual" (as if being a rock star not out). So she toured with Laurie Anderson where she is shining it is the best of its kind and guess who gets into this horror with Pavarotti. Going against nature is harmful and me is that I have spoiled the perfect day. To see how this amendment.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Does Convulsive Syncope Cause Memory Losss
Liaison letter, hitherto unpublished, that Albert Hoffman told him the "pope" of Apple shortly before his death (Hoffman). The post is interesting because it speaks to the relationship shown between entheogens and development of computers, internet etc. But the best (in my opinion) is the attitude of so lively and curious Hoffman to its nearly 101 years then
Ryan Grim: Read the Never-Before-Published Letter From Inventor Albert Hofmann-LSD to Apple CEO Stev
Source: www.huffingtonpost.com
Thanks to Ulises for recomendármela Xavi
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Nikon Prostaff 550 Riflehunter Forum
Column published in the counter of El Mundo, 40 days after the death of Threshold.
Dandyism is not a question of ties if no more than good noses, not to start talking about genital apparatus. Some think that the dandy is recognized at first sight for this elegance in the extreme, almost fell on his face as tacky. But even if we try to deceive and trivialize this vital attitude that has so much to do with appearance, dandyism sometimes goes inside. It is a matter of courage, a courage that goes beyond putting on a pair of paramecia or carrying white suits and pink shirts, which has merit.
few days ago, Savater, in his speech on being awarded the prize "Columnist of The World", it said on the roof of this newspaper: "The challenge is to write things that contradict one knows who is reading, it is difficult be one of us and say that you are not sure to be one of us. " And really dandyism about that. Of these criticisms "Tocapelotas" as essential for society to progress.
already did Thomas Carlyle in "Sartor Resartus" (1833) where, apparently addled perspective (an alleged history of fashion), gave an ironic repasito the English society of the time, including dandies, who was clear that they were to read and to recognize as part of their gang.
then did more or less courage, more or less dressed, some thousand times appointed paradigm of dandyism. I mean Byron, Duchamp, Larra, Wilde, Truman Capote, Tom Wolfe and, of course, Threshold, if not, what paint here talking about this? But they were also his dandies way less recurring and other artists I can think of Dorothy Parker and Patti Smith, which proved to have a pair of ovaries enough to carry the dandyism to its ultimate consequences. A road not comfortable and I do not mean high heels that Parker would not go away even to go to bed, but fetish talk at another time.
The modern dandy has only a little to do with the superficial Brummel and, by definition, is a classless, stateless person, an outsider, a maverick. If, as Patti Smith, is left into the Mount Olympus of high culture, go and loose it the first thing that attracted him to Rimbaud was how good he was, or whether, in the case of Wolfe, the "yuppies " You are invited to their parties because it is the fashion writer goes and writes a book in which they appear as pathetic beings, capable of throwing a party to honor the fashion writer.
And that has its risks, which are not so bad, because basically, the dandy, although it seems the social being par excellence, has much of a misanthrope. In any case, critics have it easy. There is only referring to his alleged attack frivolity. Based on this strange theory (as seated) of someone well dressed they can build a valid work and have a profound speech. But not even stop, because the opponent usually have another argument that considers the smell test: the work of dude is funny. And he is very clear: beauty is at odds with intelligence and depth must be, by nose (not to end up talking about genital apparatus), soporific.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Does Giving A Puppy Milk Give Them Worms
Article published in a supplement to El Mundo de Andalucía dedicated to Torremolinos. At this stage nostalgic, I get it back, which took several months to attack Torremolinos saudade, a term that seems inappropriate, but they will not be exclusively those that come shady sites.
The first time I realized that people came from a village that was not normal was at 13 years. That summer my parents had sent to Oxford with my (still) friend the soul, Juan Pablo Rodriguez, to see the world and do as he learned English. We were in the square of Carfax, making bricks tetra bottle with cranberry juice and chatted in English with a group of English children who had gone to spend a month in the British city where we do not speak a word of English. Suddenly there was silence in the square. Oscar de Juan, a guy from Madrid, a couple of years older than us put a face of terror that I turned the head with a chill in the back. I looked and there it was: a punk with green crest, tartan pants, his jersey torn and his boots Dr. Martens. I kept watching to see what happened and I realized that all the punk looked as if they had seen the devil himself.
At that moment I realized. Oscar de Juan, the spunky, the smartass, Madrid (which for us as a people, was like being an upper caste) was afraid of a punk. Moreover, he had never seen a punk. But Julia and I were tired of seeing them. For San Miguel Street, by the passage Pizarro, in Hardy's door ... Torremolinos, from 78, had become a place where punks not that they were as normal in the world, but we were familiar. By the reaction of the rest of the guys I realized that this was something exceptional and then, over the years, I discovered actually, in Torremolinos had the privilege to learn of the art, the latest trends before anyone else the rest of Spain.
Two years after that, at 82, the teenagers of Torremolinos we went to the afternoon session of Piper's normal and there was also music pachanguera usual, there was an hour devoted to something like music subcultures. I do not think in any mainstream club the rest of Spain could be heard a song by The Jam, one Yahoo, one of Depeche Mode or the Who. But Piper's, for one hour itself, and there we jumped on the track that we had way to being the rare class, dance music that made us feel different. At that time, reached us magazines such as Melody Maker or the New Musical Express. In Night and Day and kiosks to the Plaza de Andalucía, was easier to find these publications that the Rock de Luxe or years before the vibration. It was no accident that most Málaga groups clearly had an impact as Anglo-Saxon, from Roxy Music for Mishima Generation Yazoo in the Requiem, to Bowie at Conde or Simple Minds in the Invisible Dance . We had more influence of groups that appeared in London of which arose in Madrid, including the Movida. But also our friends in the summer, these British, Canadians or Americans who came to "Torroles" a holiday albums that brought us here was impossible to find. The new Durruti Column, Siouxie's latest single, double LP of This Mortal Coil ...
But this had already happened before, it was not new. A late 50's the same Timothy Leary (guru of the psychedelic movement) and bars like The Carihuela fat pussy cat, Pedro's, in the center or the famous Tiffany's nightclub were places where the hippies were moving freely. That was something that had not happened anywhere else in Spain, Ibiza and Formentera except as José Luis Cabrera explained beautifully and Lutz Petry torremolinoschic.es on its website, which the council must dedicate a street or, at least one statue (total, one more, what will it cost?) in San Miguel street.
In the 80, two of the nerve centers showing that Torremolinos was Different, and "cutting edge" (a word that is used a lot then), it was Disney and the moon. Recalábamos there more or less the same people. These two premises and Bier Keller (closer to rock and roll hippie faithful to the spirit of its beginnings) formed the underground youth center, almost adolescent (some more than others), we met to see who knew more about this group or this writer to complain about how boring it was Torremolinos and how great it would be to live in London ... as if one, in London, is crossed every day with Vivien Westwood and beyond to tea every afternoon to the house of Hanif Kureishi.
When, at 85, I came to Madrid, which we felt as close to London at the time, and visited the facilities of La Movida, as the Milky Way or the Pentagram, I realized that was not bad. That Disney or The Moon music sounded much more interesting and avant-garde that people were much more dull than any of my friends Torroles.
In that time we did not realize, but the truth is that Torremolinos gave us access to such training in underground subculture that has served us for many to move through life. Group of Disney, we did fanzines as Altered Images and Boulevard, for which we fought the first to hear the new album by Siouxsie and the Banshees, musicians have come out with unquestionable talent, graphic designers, illustrators, writers, music critics, designers, disc jockeys, essayists, journalists or media celebrities. Well, can not be said to be professions "for profit", but that was it.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
How To Make A Laker Cake
I asked a playlist for yes fm and this is the result. Difficult but, well, these are some of my favorite songs or something
If anyone is interested and disagree or so
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
How Can I Hook My Mac Up To My Projector
may wonder what a health articles on a blog that deals with issues of architecture .. The answer is quite simple. The discipline of architecture is the central theme space inhabited by man, and practice should focus on ensuring that this area is healthy, harmonious being. There's the relationship. Health is the harmony of being. Good architecture is the architecture of harmony, health architecture.
I invite you to read a very interesting blog. called Dowsing in Cuba and it is this issue very scientific way, seriously, showing how a country like Cuba, there are people employed to build, to highlight the immense value and benefits this discipline delivery for the harmony of being.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
African American Male Braided Hairstyles
The Dowsing is a technique through which electromagnetic fields detected , humans, plants, objects and places.
gains new importance and there are many organizations in the world dedicated to grow this useful and ancient art.